The power of sacred silence

“silence is the language of god,
all else is poor translation.” – Rumi

Inhale deeply.

Now release it.

Be present in this moment.

Silence is powerful.  What do you hear in the silence?  Take a moment to breathe this in.  Don’t reach for it, let it come to you.

When is the last time you unplugged from everything.  Turn the phone off.  Turn off the computer. Take a breath, and have a seat.

What does silence sound like?

“Silence is an empty space, space is the home of the awakened mind.” – Buddha

There is power in silence.  We are able to take in more of the landscape. Life slows down a bit. We are able to bring awareness to the present moment.  We are able to arrive.

Silence allows us to be okay with the chaos of life.  It is the space between each in breath, and out breath.

Words are not always necessary to convey the message of our soul. The next time you are with a friend, a lover, a family member, or every a companion animal–sit with them in deep silence.  Take them in.  Look deep into their eyes.  Let the heart and soul speak through the language of silence.  You’ll be surprised at how much more of that individual you see.

Now do this in the mirror.  The silence allows us to see, and to be seen.

If you are finding that you are more in distraction throughout your day, than in connection… take a silence break. Go outside, touch the earth, feel the sky above you, breath it all in.  No reactions, just observe.  Stay with the breath, return to the breath if you need to. Be present.

You. Are. Loved. 

Michael Brazell

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