Life Update: Feri, Yoga, and Writing

Life is an interesting journey. I love the way it ebbs and flows, and thought I’d toss out a few updates:

-I started Feri training again. I did the training a while back, but came to a point in my life where I needed to step away, and it happened that at that time, I was marching towards some pretty massive life changes (move from DC to SC, break up, etc)… but, I never stopped the core practices that were given to me by my teacher at the time. What I’m learning as I move forward in my spiritual journey is that everything we move into, informs the journey. Feri training helped to create balance to the other areas of my life. Often when we are working in the world of spirit and dealing heavily with the intuition, we forget that the body is also a part of our spiritual path/practice. I’ll be doing some blog posts soon on my experiences with this tradition, and more importantly how I am integrating this work into the other areas of my life.

-Yoga, yoga, yoga!  I’m going to be teaching classes here in the DC area, and I am also talking to a new studio here in the Columbia, SC area. I’m breathing life into the LGBT Bears do Yoga program in DC, and I am also hoping to get this started here in the Columbia area as well. I’m also working to get some videos on youtube, so be sure to subscribe to my channel! I’m planning online satsangs, small group Skype sessions, and google hangouts. If you like information on the upcoming classes, feel free to email me at:

-I’m finally working on my book, and you can expect to see a lot more activity on this blog. I’ve been dividing myself a bit too far, and one message my soul has been offering is to streamline and focus. Poetry is also calling my soul. Poetry is a powerful tool for healing and transformation. There are a lot of things in my heart that are asking to have their voice echoed out onto paper. I am also planning some trips to open mics.. I miss the poetry slam scene.

-Lots of travel coming up. I’ll be in DC from the 15th of August through the 15th of September, and then again in October.

Just a quick life update. Hope you all are riding the energy shifts with balance and grace. Be kind to yourself,and love fiercely.

Blog Series: Power Cleansing

Spiritual-CleansingAs I was cleaning out some of my old online folders I came across an old outline for a book I was working on regarding personal and spacial spiritual cleansing. I thought it would be great to turn this outline into a blog series. Spiritual cleansing is an important part of spiritual work, but one that can be a bit confusing for the beginner and advanced practitioner alike.

Through this blog series we’ll explore:

  • What is spiritual cleansing and why is it important?
  • Spiritual cleansing from various mystical traditions
  • Tools for the cleansing arsenal
  • Cleansing the body and empowering the soul
  • Space clearing and cleansing
  • Working with entities: The good, the bad and the ugly
  • Diet and nutrition as tools for spiritual cleansing
  • Working with karma
  • Psychic protection and defending against psychic vampires, hexes and curses
  • Exorcism fundamentals
  • and much more

It is my hope that you’ll be able to use some of what I’ll be offering in this series to move you into a deeper relationship with your spiritual journey. Along the way I’ll be offering exercises to help you begin or evolve your work with cleansing and clearing.

I also want to hear from you. What are your questions and experiences with spiritual cleansing? Have you ever witnessed or participated in an exorcism? What tools have you placed in your personal arsenal for cleaning out spaces both internally and externally?

Remember, if you need help along the way you can always reach out by contacting me via my website:

Yoga as Prayer

Today as I was taking my place on my yoga mat at the gym, I asked myself the question, “Why do you do yoga?” The question struck me, and I’ll admit at first I didn’t have an answer. I decided to take this question into my practice today. As I was moving around the mat, breathing, taking in the sounds of the gym, I had a realization was over my heart. Yoga is how I pray. For me, yoga is devotion. When I am on my mat, I am stepping onto sacred ground. I feel my soul come alive. My breath joins my body more deeply, and for a moment all that exists is the flow.

Stepping onto the mat is stepping into trust. We spend much of our day trying to get away from the body, we rush into our expectations, or are bound to the anchors of our past. We hold judgement against ourselves. We eat foods that lack nourishment. We engage in distractions (television, social media, etc). We numb ourselves. When we take a step onto the yoga mat, we are saying to the soul, to God, to the universe I am here, and I am ready. The very act of showing up sets the intention, and brings us into presence.

As I move through the asana, I pause and deepen my breath. Too often in classes we try to rush through the sequences. Each pose is a meditation, the breath the mantra, and when we move slowly we are honoring the sacredness of that union. Sequences do not need to be complex, you don’t need to be fancy with how you breath, just let the body move. Yoga is an act of surrender. I try not to plan too far ahead as to what I want to do on my mat. I ask my body what it feels like doing today. I let each asana guide me to the next. I invite in my emotions, the ambient sounds and colors of whatever space I am in. Yoga is not about escaping, its arriving into to presence.

Yoga is a prayer that is said by the body, on the altar of our soul. Each movement is an intention in action. Each breath is a sacred mantra that whispers through us, taking us deeper into each heartbeat.

Take a moment to honor your path by dropping into the breath. Hold your awareness at the rise and fall of the chest, take your hand and place it over your beating heart. Feel life moving through you. Let this be enough.


Weekly Soul Update: 10/6/2014

The world is still turning, and life is still moving.

One of the struggles may of us face as healers is wondering what we can do when the world is in crisis.  The following are some tips that you can use to engage the energy through proactive means:


  • Pray.  Centering on receptive prayer allows us to connect to our soul, to God, to the divine.  We sometimes forget this simple, yet ancient practice of connecting to a higher power.
  • Meditate.  Sit, find silence, and be at peace.  When we are at peace and in presence as individuals we begin to radiate that to the world around us.
  • Stay informed. Many of us might want to turn off the news, but being and informed healer allows you to direct your energy to those in need in a specific way.  Those suffering from illness, from the impact of war, and from the isolation these divides cause need your energy.
  • Activate healing modalities.  Send light, send Reiki, use your skills to send healing to locations, people, and events in the world.  You are NOT helpless.

These are just a few ways that you can engage the world around you, there are countless ways to step into personal power and to effect change.  Take small moments each day to tune into your intuition, to ask what you can to do change the world… then do it!


-I’m still working on updating my website.  Taking a bit longer than expected, but I will be adding new services, which is going to be pretty amazing.  Stay tuned.

-There are opening for sessions all week-long.  If you are interested in scheduling a reading or a healing session feel free to contact me at:  or via my website at:

-I’m still working on the radio show.  This week we’ll be doing a meditation episode on Tuesday, Thursday and a Harku transmission on Friday.  The episodes will go live at 11pm EST on


As always… You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.


Mike Brazell

Weekly Soul Update (9/29/2014)

Every Monday I’ll be doing a Soul Update for the week.  These will give me a chance to update you on all the fun happenings.   Be sure to follow the blog!

– I am currently having issues with Blogtalk.  Soul Empowerment Radio is going to be on a brief hiatus.  I am currently exploring new platforms and other methods of putting information out into the universe.  I am going to be posting more blog posts and YouTube videos.  Be sure to keep checking back!

– I have openings this week for Soma Pi and Reiki Healing sessions.  These can be done remotely or in person.  I also have availability for Soul Empowerment Sessions.  I am going to be offering a weekend special this upcoming weekend on my FaceBook page, be sure to check it later this week!  You can schedule a session via my website:

-Starting this Friday I am gong to be starting a special series of blog posts addressing the Gay Soul.  My soul has been directing me to do specific dialog and healing work with members of the men who love men community.  During these blog posts I’ll address topics various topics that affect our community: shame, homophobia, community engagement, overculture pressure, relationships, and more.  I am also going to be creating a Facebook group that will allow us to discuss some of the topics I’ll be addressing in the blog series.  If you are interested in joining the conversation you can email me at:, or message me via my facebook page:

-Mercury retrograde is upon us (Oct 4th – Oct 25th)!  Stay centered and be prepared.  As the years have progressed, the intensity of astrological alignments have increased.  It is vital to have patience, to center, and to stay aligned with your soul mission.  Even if you feel that these astrological alignments do not impact you directly, they may impact those that you deal with.  Pay attention to communication, plan ahead, and be prepared.

-The ripples from the global events are impacting all of us.  Many of us may feel helpless as the world moves through its upheaval cycle.  You are much more powerful than you think.  This is a time for us to step into deeper places of service.  Shine your gifts out into the world.  Shine your soul’s light into the darkness.  Engage in prayer, meditate, activate your healing modalities, and stay informed!  Many of us turn away from the news of world events, but just because you ignore it, doe not mean that it will not impact you.  Do your research!  Do not take things at face value.  Dig deeper and ask questions.  As we move forward my intuition is directing me to share more information and solutions. Each week I’ll post an intuitive geopolitical update, but also action steps that we can take to help increase awareness, and decrease the impact of these actions on our lives.  We will also look at how we as individuals can increase the energy of light in the world.

Soul Message:

Beloved,  KNOW that you are loved.  This is a time of change and transition.  Many of you are feeling the impact that upheaval and change usually brings.  Know that these changes are bringing you an opportunity to come into greater presence.  Many of you seek to escape your situations, but this is not possible.  Coming into presence allows you to coming into alignment with the power of your soul.  Trust the deep inner knowing, the deep stillness, trust that even in the chaos the divine hand is holding you in grace.  Do not fear as movement begins, this is a time of initiation.  Trust the process that your intuition is offering you, it is able to give you solutions to the problems you are facing.   Remember how deeply you are loved, hold this at your heart, and live it.


As always—-


You are loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell 


No Holding Back

Over the past few months, I’ve been given a lot of clarity.  I feel that I’ve been holding back a lot of my life.  I feel myself opening to new energies, and new and deeper understanding of spirituality.  Each day I sit with my soul in deep conversation.  I’m learning to listen, and more importantly to trust.

My intuition and my guides have been giving me a lot of new information recently.  New downloads seem to be a daily thing.  Some of the information is going to be radical, and some of it a gentle reminder to return to ourselves.  I’ve also been given some new processes that’ll I will also be sharing over the next few months.  Lot’s of changes are ahead.  I’ve been feeling the call to simplify my life, my spirituality, and work.  Change is never easy, but as we move into greater states of trust, we know that change is also powerful.  I feel that as teaches, readers, healers, as we evolve we also help those coming to us evolve as well.  It means there is more work to do, and a new level of experience is opening up.

I’ve found myself holding back from sharing the information that’s been coming through, but we are entering a time where it is necessary for us to connect to our soul energy at the deepest levels possible.  Some of the information that will be delivered may not resonate with everyone, and that is okay.  When we come up to the edges of our reality, when we encounter challenge, we learn are then able to grow.  We also encounter deepening at those moments of challenge.  It’s time for us to take ownership of our experiences, to take claim to the power inherent in each of us.  Communities are starting to come together, soul families are being born and created, and the flow of etheric information is on the rise.  Now is the time to listen deeply, find time for stillness and silence, and open to your highest levels of intent.

When we encounter new information it can be challenging and even frightening to bring it through.  I’ve been seeing many light workers waking up to their divine purpose, and then taking the leap and putting themselves out there and into the world.  This is the time to shine our light as bright as possible, and it truly is inspiring to see so many communities and individuals taking off the reigns and transmitting new information with intent.

If you are finding yourself holding back because of fear, judgement, or otherwise… just know that it is time to step deeper into and onto your path.  There are teams of etheric beings that are there to assist you, and there are many others in this reality that are also waiting for you to step up to the podium.

One of my teachers Consuela Newton closes many of her talks with this quote from Matthew.  This has become my mantra in a way..

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify God.


Take a moment to see where you are holding back in your life.  What is calling you?  Where do you feel you need to be more present?  What can you do in this moment to move into greater connection to your journey?


You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell


Beautiful Disasters and Learning to Trust

Woke up with some thought this morning, reflections from some dreams that I’ve been having… so, this may come off a bit tangential, but that’s just me.  When I write here, I often just let my fingers walk the keyboard, take what feels good… let every thing else rest on the shelf:

Sometimes life is a series of beautiful disasters.  It changes quickly, and in the process it changes us.  We adapt, or we try to.  We get to put our spiritual tools to the test, and we question the fabric of our reality.  We often start asking the “why” questions.  Why me?  Why now?  etc..  Sometimes the answers are not as simple as we’d like them to be, and sometimes they are so simple, that we miss the subtle nudges.  Trust is not an easy thing to engage.  It requires a level of surrender that many of us fear.  A letting go, a deep release from the inside out.  God FNNGWIIGYTY1GRZ.MEDIUMsometimes has a way of stepping in and challenging our reality.  Illness, upheaval, poverty, loss, are some of what I call “the sandpaper experiences”.  I often see us as a piece of word in the hand of God, slowing being sanded and shaped into something beautiful, but often we don’t see what is coming, or perhaps we aren’t allowed to see.  I tell my clients that if I was told by my intuition that I’d be sitting here, face covered in tattoos, teaching spirituality for a living, that I’d tell it NO WAY… but, here I am.

The past few months for me have been sandpaper moments.  When I was in DC I had the deep challenge of trust.  People, places and things no longer held the stability that they once had.  The “safety” in my current reality was challenged, and I had to start letting it all go.  In the fall, we still try to cling to the old masks, the old people, and places even if they are no longer serving our highest intent and good.  We try to fit the square pegs into the triangle holes.  I am seeing a lot of us go through these moments.  The beautiful shattering of these experiences.  We get to see how much power we are holding in these moments, and how much we have given away.  We have to take responsibility for that power, and start to bring it back to us.  As time moves forward, I’ll discuss dealing with specific challenges many of us face when dealing with trust: relationships, work, family, life itself, and spirituality.

explosionWhen I was preparing to leave DC, there were moments when I felt angry.  Anger is an emotion that is like fire, it can burn through things quickly.  I was angry at everything, but did not have a place to direct my anger.  It was just an emotion that needed to be acknowledged.  We often try to suppress these emotions, but they are a natural part of the grieving process (if you are going through heavy change, I recommend looking up the stages of grief, it will help you identify and accept where you are as you go through the stages).  As the fire of anger started burning in my heart center, I felt a peace wash over me.  My intuition activated and asked,” Beloved, what are you angry at?”… I don’t know… “Beloved, there is not place to put this emotions.  The people and events that are falling away are to be held in compassion, if you must place this anger somewhere, place in on me.”  The peace that had begun to wash through me started to flood into the deepest parts of that moment.  I view intuition as the voice of God speaking through my soul.  In essence God was telling me, that if you must be angry, be angry at me… it’s okay, I can take it… but please hold compassion for those that you feel deserve your anger, because they don’t… the situation is what it is, just love it… and trust me.

In that moment peace was followed by a deep trust.  It did not mean that I was not going to feel the emotions, the pain, the tearing… but now it also made a little room for the joy, the peace, and the compassion I needed to move forward.  For an instant, I released control and let the divine drive the car, and things began to move quickly.  When the world around us shifts at a rate of speed that does not allow us to “cling”, it challenges trust on multiple levels, we have to be kind to ourselves in this process.  Journaling and yoga have been lifesavers.  They allow me the space to dialog not only what was happening in my mental space, but yoga also allowed me to move the physical energy that had stagnated i my body.  The pain is all part of the greater process of becoming who we truly are.  Sometimes these moments come in slowly, sometimes they are larger explosions, but through all of it I find there is a deep thread of connection to something beyond us.  Something that is guiding us gently through the many beautiful disasters we might face.

What is trust to you?  What do you do when you feel trust being challenged?  Do you find solace in your spirituality?   What happens when your spiritual process are also challenged?

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT

108 Day Challenge

I finally made it down to South Carolina.

New starts, new changes, and coming into new alignments can always bring struggle.  One of the things that I like to do when I get to a new area is a cleanse and detox.  Upheaval can bring a lot of stress thorough our entire system.  For me, cleansing the body, mind and spirit helps to harmonize me into my new experience.   Since this time I am also in a process of building a new life, I thought I would take this cleanse a bit deeper and also offer myself some challenges.  The challenges help to re-align my system, and well… keeps things from getting stagnant.  Getting into a new routine is always a good thing when leaving an old one.

I’ll post the details here, and will do a daily post as I move through the cleanse.   This is my personal challenge, but if you are finding yourself in a rut, why not do something to help move you deeper into your experience.  Before I start a cleanse, detox or challenge like this

My challenge:

  1. Food and nutritional detox: no sugar, gluten, processed foods
  2. Reading 1-2 books/week.
  3. Writing, writing, writing…. one blog post a day, one poem a day, and daily journaling
  4. Daily mediation and yoga practice
  5. and some other things that I am keeping personal 😉

The challenge should be something that is out of the ordinary for you, it should allow you the opportunity to step into something “new” as far as a routine, or spiritual experience.  Taking you a bit out of the norm, or bringing deeper awareness to something that is more routine.  If you meditate already, challenge yourself to shift it up a bit.  Do something a bit differently.  Breaking up stagnation helps us to keep our practice fresh, and we also get to take a deeper look at ourselves in the process.  The path is about learning to grow through engaging the process, rather than just going through the motions.

Do you have questions on setting up a cleanse, detox, or personal challenge?  Feel free to write them in the comments section below and I’ll answer them.

You are Loved.

You are Beautiful.

You are Divine.

Michael A Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT

Farewell Washington, DC

Four year ago, I never thought I’d be leaving DC… but here it is.  Life changes quickly, and in an instant a new chapter begins in our lives.  The past few weeks have been an emotional roller coaster, trying to see everyone before I head out, trying to get one last visit to my favorite places, but those all just become reasons to come back.

I often tell my clients that DC is a spiritual training ground.  That many of us end up to go through the paces.  My time here was not always the easiest, but in the end it helped me to grow into who I am now.  We grow through the experience of living a complete life, one that both embraces love and pain fully.

This is one of the first times in my life that I am stepping into complete uncertainty, and I am okay with that.  I am okay in the “not knowing”, not having to control the next steps of my life, and this has helped to realize that for the longest time I was not living in the present, and I really missed out on the people and experiences in my life.  The past few months have shown me that we have to breathe into each moment deeply, and to just be present.  DC has a way of getting you caught in the hustle and bustle.  People tend to be movement driven, and I’m not saying that is a bad thing, but when it is not balanced with presence we really miss out.  I see so many people tied to their electronics here… how many sunsets do they miss looking at “memes”?    I realized I was doing a lot of this as well, but more caught up in my mind’s patterns of worry, doubt, and judgement.  When the rug gets pulled out from underneath you, and there is nothing left to cling to, it changes your perspective on things, but closure does that.

Being closer to family, and coming back to my literal roots is going to be a positive thing.  I’m going to work on developing my yoga practice, my healing work, and finally write the book I’ve been putting off for so long.  My work is far from done, but sometime we need a change of pace, and a chance to gain clarity on our experience.

I will be back to the area to visit, to teach, and to be with friends/soul family.

I will miss many things here in DC, but I am looking forward to the next adventure, the unfolding journey, the next breath.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.


Mike Brazell

Show Up, Breathe, and Reflect

This has been the mantra that has permeated many parts of my life over the past few weeks.  There have been a lot of changes, and more changes are on the way.  I often say that showing up is the hardest part of the spiritual path.  Breathing is the second toughest thing at times.  Life is not getting easier for many, and that is the reality, but how we relate to the transition energy is our responsibility.  The divine is also pinging many of us to do the deeper work, to go beyond our safety zone, and to let go of what is no longer serving us.

Reflecting and contemplation are important parts of the spiritual process.  Deep listening allows us to go into the soul space.  We get to sit with and reflect on our personal truths.  Tuning into our intuition is not about tuning out the drama of life, its learning how to step into it fully…with compassion for all our parts.

I am breathing life into this blog again.  New things are on the horizon, and I hope to bring you along with me on this journey.

I’ll be posting new channeled information, as I am getting a lot of downloads recently.  I am working on some pretty big projects that I’ll also be announcing over the next few weeks.   Travel is picking up, and next year is going to be a year of deeper exploration through travel as well.

When we show up and breathe, we take in the entirety of our life.  The breathe is God, and we are an extension of that divine power.  How beautiful this dance is.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael A. Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT