Life Update: Feri, Yoga, and Writing

Life is an interesting journey. I love the way it ebbs and flows, and thought I’d toss out a few updates:

-I started Feri training again. I did the training a while back, but came to a point in my life where I needed to step away, and it happened that at that time, I was marching towards some pretty massive life changes (move from DC to SC, break up, etc)… but, I never stopped the core practices that were given to me by my teacher at the time. What I’m learning as I move forward in my spiritual journey is that everything we move into, informs the journey. Feri training helped to create balance to the other areas of my life. Often when we are working in the world of spirit and dealing heavily with the intuition, we forget that the body is also a part of our spiritual path/practice. I’ll be doing some blog posts soon on my experiences with this tradition, and more importantly how I am integrating this work into the other areas of my life.

-Yoga, yoga, yoga!  I’m going to be teaching classes here in the DC area, and I am also talking to a new studio here in the Columbia, SC area. I’m breathing life into the LGBT Bears do Yoga program in DC, and I am also hoping to get this started here in the Columbia area as well. I’m also working to get some videos on youtube, so be sure to subscribe to my channel! I’m planning online satsangs, small group Skype sessions, and google hangouts. If you like information on the upcoming classes, feel free to email me at:

-I’m finally working on my book, and you can expect to see a lot more activity on this blog. I’ve been dividing myself a bit too far, and one message my soul has been offering is to streamline and focus. Poetry is also calling my soul. Poetry is a powerful tool for healing and transformation. There are a lot of things in my heart that are asking to have their voice echoed out onto paper. I am also planning some trips to open mics.. I miss the poetry slam scene.

-Lots of travel coming up. I’ll be in DC from the 15th of August through the 15th of September, and then again in October.

Just a quick life update. Hope you all are riding the energy shifts with balance and grace. Be kind to yourself,and love fiercely.

Poem, Stream of Consciousness

Last night I had a dream…

It was about the time I fell into your forever beneath a street light.  It was supernova in the rain, and the drops chased us like stardust. .We ran for cover, jumping puddles like hurdles to infinity… the kiss of rain on window panes as gentle as ear on heartbeat…

I’m still searching for the moment when heartbeats became war drums.. My ears became deaf to the instruments, maybe if I would’ve listened just a little more closely…

My eyes have learned the language of waterfalls..

My fingers stained with poems searching for safety like umbrellas on rainy nights

Poems are not road maps around the hurdles…

My mind grabs memories like puddles grab rain drops…

My hands puddle tear drops into poems…

My poems, stardust caught in street lights…

Dreams fade into sunshine… then we wake up..



Haven’t done poetry in a while.. tho, I’m in a poetic mood, so here goes….


Tonight I am wrapping myself in blankets of memory, some of them warm, some of them are patchwork quilts.. memories stitched together, the seams sometimes blurred.. Like me…

The poems elude me.. I am dancing in the silence of my own symphony… Sometimes wondering if all this meaning has purpose, and if that purpose will carry all of us to a new tomorrow… and tomorrow I’ll get up and start over.  Sometimes the knots in my stomach remember your hands…  You hands, they were brutally soft.  They knew all the right buttons to push, self destruct was the easiest to find… I’m still looking for the off button, but for now I’ll settle for a cup of grace… two scoops of hope, and memories that sometimes keep me up like a heavy dose of caffeine…

But for now,

the knots they keep me from coming undone…