Giving Yourself a Reading

One way to connect to your intuition and to develop trust in the information that it is giving you, is to get in the daily habit of giving yourself readings.  There are a wide variety of techniques and processes out there, but the idea is to keep it simple.  I’m going to give you a simple process that I have shared with students and clients of mine over the years.

  1. Write down your questions. I harp on journaling A LOT because it is one of the most powerful spiritual tools in our arsenal of self discovery. One of the reasons so many people have difficulty in doing readings for themselves is that they either aren’t sure of the questions they want to ask, or they aren’t sure they are ready to hear the answers to those questions. Carrying our journals with us gives us a place to write down the questions we may have for our soul.
  2. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable with yourself. Being open to our questions is as important as being open to the answers, and both require us to be vulnerable enough to show up to our process of self inquiry.
  3. Open to your heart. One simple method of tuning in is to bring your awareness to your heart center. You can do this by simply bringing your hands to the heart. Allow yourself to connect to the simple rise and fall of the chest. Feel the beating heart beneath your hand. Let this act of body awareness be a doorway to deeper listening.
  4. Listen for the answers to your question with your entire body. We often get stuck in our head, and we often feel as if answers to our questions will come with some deep flash of insight, or thundering God force words through our ears. Sometimes the answer comes as a subtle fluttering in our bellies, a breath that goes a bit deeper than all the others, or you may see something in your external space that triggers deeper exploration (a photo, a color, a bird, a tree, etc).
  5. Write down anything you are feeling, seeing, sensing, or hearing (internally or externally). All of it is used in determining the answer to the questions you are asking. Don’t over think things, if something is standing out, write it down.
  6. Take a step back from the session. Let the answers and questions gestate a bit. You might come back with more questions based on the answers you receive – GREAT!  This means you are now moving into a soul dialog rather than just a question and answer session.
  7. Sometimes the answer isn’t what you want to hear, but it is always what you need to hear. Be receptive to whatever comes through. One of the most dangerous things we can do it is toss aside an answer just because we don’t like it. I see this often in cases of relationship questions. It’s hard to hear the truth. Sometimes the answer is that it is time to move on, but tossing aside that truth filled answer because it’s not what we want to hear only leads us to more suffering. If we are having trouble with a particular response we have received from our intuition, we can always ask our soul to amply the answer we have received, be open to digging deeper if you feel called to do so:
    1. What do I need to know about my relationship at this time?
      1. Beloved, it is time to move forward into your own light as this relationship has come to the end of its course.
      2. What can I do to make the transition one filled with grace?
      3. What areas of this relationship have caused us to arrive at this point of finality?
      4. What is my true teaching from this relationship with (xyz)?
  8. Have fun with giving yourself a reading. Too often we only use this beautiful connection we have to the soul our soul (the intuition) to ask about the stuff that requires heavy lifting. Ask simple things, ask about manifesting, ask about creating abundance, ask about winning the lottery, ask about expanding your connection to your spiritual path, ask for affirmations of love, ask for any number of things you might desire insight on, but ask!
  9. Take action on what your soul is giving you in the reading. If we are asking to improve our lives, and then we don’t follow through, it is only going to prolong the suffering and delay arriving at that place of liberation.

This is just a quick primer, something to have a bit of fun with, and my soul is nudging me to do more with the blog, so here it is. I hope that you find the information useful, and if you have questions you can alway contact me at:

Blog Series: Power Cleansing

Spiritual-CleansingAs I was cleaning out some of my old online folders I came across an old outline for a book I was working on regarding personal and spacial spiritual cleansing. I thought it would be great to turn this outline into a blog series. Spiritual cleansing is an important part of spiritual work, but one that can be a bit confusing for the beginner and advanced practitioner alike.

Through this blog series we’ll explore:

  • What is spiritual cleansing and why is it important?
  • Spiritual cleansing from various mystical traditions
  • Tools for the cleansing arsenal
  • Cleansing the body and empowering the soul
  • Space clearing and cleansing
  • Working with entities: The good, the bad and the ugly
  • Diet and nutrition as tools for spiritual cleansing
  • Working with karma
  • Psychic protection and defending against psychic vampires, hexes and curses
  • Exorcism fundamentals
  • and much more

It is my hope that you’ll be able to use some of what I’ll be offering in this series to move you into a deeper relationship with your spiritual journey. Along the way I’ll be offering exercises to help you begin or evolve your work with cleansing and clearing.

I also want to hear from you. What are your questions and experiences with spiritual cleansing? Have you ever witnessed or participated in an exorcism? What tools have you placed in your personal arsenal for cleaning out spaces both internally and externally?

Remember, if you need help along the way you can always reach out by contacting me via my website: