The Spiritual Journal

I’ve done a few posts on journaling, but I really don’t think it is something that can be overstated… journal are one of the most powerful spiritual tools that we have access to.  Journals are places we can catch our thoughts, our moments of gratitude, our struggles, our fears, and whatever else our soul desires.    Journaling allows us to engage in self-reflection.  There really are not any rules or right/wrong ways to journal, but I would propose on rule- Don’t hold back!

There are times we begin to go beneath the surface.  We scratch through one layer of our life experience and then we go a bit deeper, then we become afraid of what we will find when we go all the way through… We become trapped in that middle layer, and that creates stagnation.  We have to push deeper, and this can be a lonely process for many of us.  Journals are companions that we can access without judgement.  We can dive deeper into our psyche and it holds our memories in spaces that allow us to access when we are ready.  Diving below the surface of our lives allows us to gain insight.

Many newbie spiritual practitioners always ask me how to hone their psychic skills… Journal your spiritual experiences    Too often we have profound moments and we forget to capture them.  When we take the time to journal the experience we can go back to it, learn from it, and evolve it.  Write down the readings that you are doing for yourself, write down the insights gained in that meditation you just completed, and capture inspirations as they occur to you through the day.  Magickal practitioners often create a “Book of Shadows” to capture their spellwork, lessons, and thing relating to their spiritual path work.   Many in the new age community could really learn from this.  I would encourage everyone to keep an ongoing psychic journal, dream journal and life experience journal.  Do a google search for “keeping a book of shadows“, and read up.. add what works, leave what doesn’t.

There are a lot of people who prefer to use electronic journal (online, voice recorder, laptop, etc), but I prefer good ol’ pen and paper.  There is something about putting pen to paper.  It slows us down, it allows us to be a bit more tangible with our journaling.  I also carry a smaller journal in my back pocket for those on the go inspirations that tend to grab me in my randomness.

If you have not started a journal, I would encourage you to start today.  Allow it to be a traveling companion, take it through your day.  Walk with it.  Capture whatever inspires you.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell

Psychic Development Tip of the Day- Deck of Cards

One quick and easy tool to help you develop your psychic skills is a deck of playing cards.  They are inexpensive, easy to carry, and there are tons of things you can do with them.

1)  Using the old Zener method.  Take each card one at at time from the shuffled deck and intuit the color, number, face, suit, etc.  You can be as expansive with this as you want, but it will help pass the time and be of more use that playing angry birds.

2) Take one card at random out of the deck.  Don’t look at it, and seal it in an envelope.  Sometime during the day, intuit what card is in the envelope.  When you get home, validate and record your experience.

These are just a couple quick ideas.  You can work with a friend or group using the above method.  There are some that use playing cards to do full on spreads that are similar to the ones used by tarot readers.  As always be sure to journal your experience.  Just like anything our psychic ability is a muscle that needs to be worked from time to time.

Michael A. Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT