How to Talk to Your Soul

We are more powerful than we realize and we have a limitless connection to God within us. The intuition or, the voice of the soul is a powerful way for us to get information about anything we can possibly think of. Learning to become soul conversant is an important part of the spiritual journey. Trust is the key that allows you to open the door to that deeper inner dialog. We over think the process, or feel silly doing it, so we often give up right before we are able to gain access to our deeper aspects. I know I say it a lot, but the journal really is the most powerful tool our spiritual tool box. The journal is an altar to the soul. It is a place where we can reflect, come into presence, and align with the deeper awareness within us. The journal is also a place of quite. The moment we open to a blank page, it feels as if the world begins to slow a bit. We can step into silence within those pages, and each blank page is an affirmation of possibility.

If you don’t want to commit to a journal right away, get some paper a pen, but if possible do not do this on your computer. You want to make the act of opening to your soul current as tangible as possible. Our computers are filled with distractions, and there is an electromagnetic field that in some ways inhibits the flow of information from your higher sense perception.  It is also nice to just step away from technology for a bit. The process of longhand writing allows you to be fully involved in the connection to the information that is flowing from the soul, through the hand-, and onto the paper.

Find a quite place in your home, outside, or some place that allows you a bit of peace. I love going outside to do my intuitive tune ins. Being outside allows the crown chakra to fully expand and nature really supports the process of soul connection.

Begin by writing down your questions. They can truly be any question you want.  What’s troubling your mind? What do you need guidance on? You can also just remain open and receptive to any messages your soul has for you at the time you sit to write.  Sometimes the answers will come quickly, and other times the questions might take some time to come through. Even the silence is a response from out soul. In a world where life and information are happening at break neck speed, sometimes silence is the most needed of all medicines. Write down any images you see in your mind’s eye, emotions that are felt as you ask your questions, any information that is coming through. Do your best not to filter it. Just let it flow. Once you capture the information you can always go back and take a more objective look at it.

To illustrate this process a bit. I am going to share a couple of questions I posed to my soul, and the responses I received from my intuition.

How can I best change my diet at this time to support optimum health and well-being?

Beloved. Trust that we are with you. You must at this time hold steady in your food choices. You must align your intent with the foods that you are feeding your body. When you eat out of anger or fear, that is the energy that you are putting into your body. At this time, it is necessary for you to eliminate things from your diet that do not fully nourish you. You must pay attention to labels. At this time it is advised that you eliminate sugars, processed foods, caffeine, and move towards drinking more water through the day.  We are also encouraging you to fast. Fasting is not something that just happens in the area of food, but is something that will need to extend into the other areas of your life. We will transmit appropriate guidance for you in the next couple of days. 

What can I do to deepen my connection to my spiritual path?

Beloved. You must trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this time. The spiritual path begins with presence, and though presence you are able to stand in power. Take time to come into awareness of any fears that you are holding onto. What resistances are you holding in moving deeper onto the spiritual path? Once you bring your awareness to the anchors that are keeping you moored to old ideas of what the spiritual journey is, you will be able to flow with the current of your path more freely. Daily self-examination through self readings, journal reflection and body movement in the form of yoga will help keep you grounded in the discovery of who you are within the spiritual dynamics of your life.

(Here I could also ask my soul to help me identify the resistance and the source of any blockages)

Are there any messages you’d like to share with me at this time?

Beloved… trust. Know that you are loved. Know that you are not alone on the path. At times it might feel that way, but we are with you. We have never abandoned you, and we never will. Know always that you are embraced in the energy of God. 

So, this is just a mini example, and questions that i asked of my soul a bit earlier today.  There are times when the answers I get are profound and deep, and there are other times when I just may receive one word that opens me up to deeper reflection and contemplation. Remember, this is a dialog that you are having. You soul is your best friend. It has been with the body since the moment you were birthed into this reality. It wants the best for you. Take time each day to have a chat with your soul.

If you have questions on the process, or need some tips to help you take your practice a bit deeper, never hesitate to contact me at: or contact me via Facebook at:

If you would like to schedule an intuitive reading with me, you can see what services I offer and my rates at my website:

No Holding Back

Over the past few months, I’ve been given a lot of clarity.  I feel that I’ve been holding back a lot of my life.  I feel myself opening to new energies, and new and deeper understanding of spirituality.  Each day I sit with my soul in deep conversation.  I’m learning to listen, and more importantly to trust.

My intuition and my guides have been giving me a lot of new information recently.  New downloads seem to be a daily thing.  Some of the information is going to be radical, and some of it a gentle reminder to return to ourselves.  I’ve also been given some new processes that’ll I will also be sharing over the next few months.  Lot’s of changes are ahead.  I’ve been feeling the call to simplify my life, my spirituality, and work.  Change is never easy, but as we move into greater states of trust, we know that change is also powerful.  I feel that as teaches, readers, healers, as we evolve we also help those coming to us evolve as well.  It means there is more work to do, and a new level of experience is opening up.

I’ve found myself holding back from sharing the information that’s been coming through, but we are entering a time where it is necessary for us to connect to our soul energy at the deepest levels possible.  Some of the information that will be delivered may not resonate with everyone, and that is okay.  When we come up to the edges of our reality, when we encounter challenge, we learn are then able to grow.  We also encounter deepening at those moments of challenge.  It’s time for us to take ownership of our experiences, to take claim to the power inherent in each of us.  Communities are starting to come together, soul families are being born and created, and the flow of etheric information is on the rise.  Now is the time to listen deeply, find time for stillness and silence, and open to your highest levels of intent.

When we encounter new information it can be challenging and even frightening to bring it through.  I’ve been seeing many light workers waking up to their divine purpose, and then taking the leap and putting themselves out there and into the world.  This is the time to shine our light as bright as possible, and it truly is inspiring to see so many communities and individuals taking off the reigns and transmitting new information with intent.

If you are finding yourself holding back because of fear, judgement, or otherwise… just know that it is time to step deeper into and onto your path.  There are teams of etheric beings that are there to assist you, and there are many others in this reality that are also waiting for you to step up to the podium.

One of my teachers Consuela Newton closes many of her talks with this quote from Matthew.  This has become my mantra in a way..

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify God.


Take a moment to see where you are holding back in your life.  What is calling you?  Where do you feel you need to be more present?  What can you do in this moment to move into greater connection to your journey?


You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell


Beautiful Disasters and Learning to Trust

Woke up with some thought this morning, reflections from some dreams that I’ve been having… so, this may come off a bit tangential, but that’s just me.  When I write here, I often just let my fingers walk the keyboard, take what feels good… let every thing else rest on the shelf:

Sometimes life is a series of beautiful disasters.  It changes quickly, and in the process it changes us.  We adapt, or we try to.  We get to put our spiritual tools to the test, and we question the fabric of our reality.  We often start asking the “why” questions.  Why me?  Why now?  etc..  Sometimes the answers are not as simple as we’d like them to be, and sometimes they are so simple, that we miss the subtle nudges.  Trust is not an easy thing to engage.  It requires a level of surrender that many of us fear.  A letting go, a deep release from the inside out.  God FNNGWIIGYTY1GRZ.MEDIUMsometimes has a way of stepping in and challenging our reality.  Illness, upheaval, poverty, loss, are some of what I call “the sandpaper experiences”.  I often see us as a piece of word in the hand of God, slowing being sanded and shaped into something beautiful, but often we don’t see what is coming, or perhaps we aren’t allowed to see.  I tell my clients that if I was told by my intuition that I’d be sitting here, face covered in tattoos, teaching spirituality for a living, that I’d tell it NO WAY… but, here I am.

The past few months for me have been sandpaper moments.  When I was in DC I had the deep challenge of trust.  People, places and things no longer held the stability that they once had.  The “safety” in my current reality was challenged, and I had to start letting it all go.  In the fall, we still try to cling to the old masks, the old people, and places even if they are no longer serving our highest intent and good.  We try to fit the square pegs into the triangle holes.  I am seeing a lot of us go through these moments.  The beautiful shattering of these experiences.  We get to see how much power we are holding in these moments, and how much we have given away.  We have to take responsibility for that power, and start to bring it back to us.  As time moves forward, I’ll discuss dealing with specific challenges many of us face when dealing with trust: relationships, work, family, life itself, and spirituality.

explosionWhen I was preparing to leave DC, there were moments when I felt angry.  Anger is an emotion that is like fire, it can burn through things quickly.  I was angry at everything, but did not have a place to direct my anger.  It was just an emotion that needed to be acknowledged.  We often try to suppress these emotions, but they are a natural part of the grieving process (if you are going through heavy change, I recommend looking up the stages of grief, it will help you identify and accept where you are as you go through the stages).  As the fire of anger started burning in my heart center, I felt a peace wash over me.  My intuition activated and asked,” Beloved, what are you angry at?”… I don’t know… “Beloved, there is not place to put this emotions.  The people and events that are falling away are to be held in compassion, if you must place this anger somewhere, place in on me.”  The peace that had begun to wash through me started to flood into the deepest parts of that moment.  I view intuition as the voice of God speaking through my soul.  In essence God was telling me, that if you must be angry, be angry at me… it’s okay, I can take it… but please hold compassion for those that you feel deserve your anger, because they don’t… the situation is what it is, just love it… and trust me.

In that moment peace was followed by a deep trust.  It did not mean that I was not going to feel the emotions, the pain, the tearing… but now it also made a little room for the joy, the peace, and the compassion I needed to move forward.  For an instant, I released control and let the divine drive the car, and things began to move quickly.  When the world around us shifts at a rate of speed that does not allow us to “cling”, it challenges trust on multiple levels, we have to be kind to ourselves in this process.  Journaling and yoga have been lifesavers.  They allow me the space to dialog not only what was happening in my mental space, but yoga also allowed me to move the physical energy that had stagnated i my body.  The pain is all part of the greater process of becoming who we truly are.  Sometimes these moments come in slowly, sometimes they are larger explosions, but through all of it I find there is a deep thread of connection to something beyond us.  Something that is guiding us gently through the many beautiful disasters we might face.

What is trust to you?  What do you do when you feel trust being challenged?  Do you find solace in your spirituality?   What happens when your spiritual process are also challenged?

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT

Finding the flow, when you are caught in the waves

oceanI haven’t been on the blog in a while.  Like many, I am feeling the upheaval of this time of year.  Life changes in an instant, and sometimes the entirety of our experience can shift.  When the waves are rolling in, it is important to start using all of those spiritual tools that we have been collecting over the years.  One of the questions I get asked a lot is,

“How do I stay centered in all of this upheaval?”

Now, what I am about to say is going to sound counter intuitive, but it is something that holds a lot of truth…Don’t try to stay centered in all of it.  Let yourself feel the entirety of the ocean.  Feel the waves of emotion that come through life experience, and acknowledge all of them.  Let yourself be present in your presence.  Staying in the moment is not an easy thing to do.  Holding steady, and just allowing the rain to fall on us when we have forgotten our umbrella is not easy.. but will running really get us less wet?

Many of us are taught to either push away the emotions that upheaval bring, or to pull them close to us.  The other option is to do nothing except give what arises within you your gentle observation.  In upheaval we can cling to that which is moving away from us, and this keeps us in a pity puddle.  Some of us get use to being the victims of our experience.  We get use to false refuges, and we stay in situations that feel safe.   Pushing things away can be equally harmful to our experience.  When we suppress emotions, when we do not acknowledge that grieving is a necessary part of any transition, we allow ourselves to move through anger, hurt, or heavier emotions with grace.  We allow tears to flow, because “being strong” means being vulnerable.  We we move into this type of grace with ourselves, we do not resist, but allow.

Another important part of finding our flow is allowing detox to happen.  Whenever we go through the currents of life, when we feel the loss, we have to allow a period of detoxification.  Part of suppression is moving too quickly into the next experience.  If we do not take time to process our lessons, we will have to go through them again, and they only get closer too us.

In the end, it is not about staying centered, but staying with the flow. YOU are the center, and where you are is where you are supposed to be. It might not be pretty, but it is the reality of any given moment.  This acceptance allows you to be in the flow, and in a place of balance with the forces around you.  So, don’t look for the center, be the center.  Be all that you are.

So, getting back into the blogging flow.  I’ll have more to post soon, new things are coming, new projects, a move, and new experiences.   I am not sure what comes next, but the flow is wonderful.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT

Channeling Transmission 5/7/2013

Beloved Children of Light:

You are entering a very interesting time in your earth’s existence.  You are the holders of the energetic space that is needed for the full transformation of consciousness.  Many of you are feeling the upheavals that are coming with this transition, and we are here to tell you that there is more to come.  For the new energy to transition into full alignment, the old has to fall away… but since energy is neither created nor destroyed the old energy must be transmuted.  Be careful of what you are holding onto and what you are giving your attention to.  You focus needs to be on aligning with what brings you the most joy, abundance and happiness.  Create balance, so much more exists beyond the struggle, do NOT get trapped in the struggle.  Your guides and higher extensions of consciousness are assisting many of you in this time.  Take time to slow down, to disconnect from the distractions of this 3D space.  Your technology is designed to bring you into contact with one another at lightning speed.  The flow of information is moving all of you faster into alignment, but you are moving so fast that you are NOT aware of the illusion you are getting trapped.

Be still.  Talk to one another. Write Letters.  Connect through eye contact. Be present with one another.  Do not take for granted to beauty of interpersonal human connection.  You are unique beings that grow through touch, sensation and much more than a machine will be able to give you.

You are loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine Beings Of light.

In Peace we Leave You


Standing in power: Owning brokeness

I haven’t posted here in a while.  I’ve been on a journey, a quest, and I guess I still am.  I’ve resisted, persisted, and am starting to own the entirety of my experience.  I am realizing that I am perfectly imperfect and that my scars allow my light to shine outward.  I am no longer resisting as much, and learning that going with the flow is much easier that fighting the water.

One of the things I have the joy of doing is connecting with people through spirit.  I love what I do, and I think I’m pretty good at it.  Today I came into work with a different mindset, and really asked spirit to bring to me some of those beautiful clients I have not seen in a while.  There are some people who are easy to connect into, and it is always nice to catch up with them.

So, the day started off just as I had asked.  Then I noticed a wonderful theme in these individuals… they were all standing in their power in new and exciting ways.  Each of them is growing, and from the outside looking in it warmed my heart.  One of the things I am so very appreciative of about his job is that I get to see the flowering that happens through my students, clients, and friends that are engaging the spiritual journey.  I always like to use the example of my yoga classes:  as a new student you do not usually get to see where you are growing, but a few classes in you forget that you are new, but as your instructor I get to see the continued blossoming.  What a wonderful opportunity.

I also learn so much about life and spirit from my clients.  When we share that sacred shared space for a few moments, we are reflections of one another.  Sometimes we have to bring out the windex so that we can look into our mirrors with greater clarity, but we do the work.  Today, I got to see people who are doing the work, and living in their process and standing in their power.

broken_vaseWhat does it mean to “stand in your power”?   To me, this means simply owning all your pieces… especially the broken one.  We try to sweep them under the rug, but they just crunch under our steps.  The cracks in the concrete allow the grass to grow through, the cracks in your experiences are where you shine the brightest.  We have to own the cracks as much as we own the light shining through them.   The spiritual path comes with a price.. and that is awareness.  Once we have it, we have to own it, but this allows us a deeper connection with all of our aspects, our complexes, our struggles.  When we have a better relationship with all of our parts, we don’t fight as much.  We become better tenders of our own gardens, and our seeds begin to bear fruit.

My clients always remind me that I have work to do.  That what I do is valued, but that I am not alone.  We are all working towards connection.  Start where you are and move from there.

What in you needs to be loved?  What is calling for your attention in this moment?

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell

Embracing the New Year: Gratitude and Possibility

gratitudeSo, it seems we made it through the Mayan prophesy, and we are moving towards year that is filled with possibility.   This past year has not been easy for many.  2012 was an energy that really shook many of us up, and for better or worse we are here.  We are entering a time where possibility is unlimited, but we have to begin focusing on what is important–what is it that you truly want from the experience and what are you willing to create?

As we move into this new year it is important to not set resolutions but to set intentions.

I did feel the rocking that this year gave.   Things came into fruition that I never thought would be possible, and things also have started to fall away.  The ending of this year for me was filled with accomplishment and alignment.  New beginnings are a daily thing, and each day brings new breath.

I have a lot that I want to do this coming year, and finishing up my writing projects is going to be a big priority.  I am also evolving not only my client practice, but my personal practice.   Stagnation is not something that needs to be embraced this year, and holding oneself back from a fully embodied spiritual practice is not something we are going to be allowed to do.

This is the year of the embodied warrior.  The spirit of movement, flow, transition and owning our many parts.   The shadow elements will still be there, but it is important to recognize that they are there to help nudge us along on our journey to self discovery.   Breaking free of expectations and letting your life unfold as you want it to.

What are you holding yourself back from completing, accomplishing, or doing?   Where is your resistance, invite to the table… work through it.

My commitment to this year is going to be to get his blog up and active in a new way.   I want to take my personal writing to new heights.  I was able to finish a manuscript for the Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) challenge and now have to edit and organize it.  I am also working on a new book on Yogic Witchcraft, and have a new blog and a wonderful radio show on blogtalk that is really picking up steam (

I am also taking my personal practice to a new level and am claiming my many parts.  I am a student of BlackHeart Feri and recently had the opportunity to ground new energy at the Between the Worlds conference.  I am excited to begin this new path of study, and it has already had a profound effect on my life.

Yoga is going to be taking a forefront in my journey this year.  I am deepening my personal practice but am also going to be offering new classes, workshops, and events geared towards helping others tap into their unlimited potential through yoga, ecstatic practice, and magick.  Stay tuned!

My partner David and I have done a lot of joint projects this past year, and I am thankful that I have had such a wonderful partner standing beside me through the ups and downs of the spiritual journey.  Living a spiritual life is not often an easy one, but having someone who you can share this life with is an absolute gift.  He has inspired me to finish my book this coming year and submit it to publishing.  He has also inspired me through his tireless work with community to deepen my roots here in the area.  I am working on creating and re-launching several of my meetups so that we can create the sacred space needed for touching the sphere of possibility in 2013.

There are lots of things that I neglected in 2012, and some things that I did not complete, that I will take into 2013 with renewed energy.

I thank all of my teachers, my friends, my clients, my students, my colleagues, spirit, and I thank the breath for keeping me moving–even when it seemed like giving up would have been an easier option.

Be ready to see new stuff!

What is in your sphere of possibility this coming year?  What are you leaving behind in 2012, what are you carrying forward?   What are you most grateful for?

“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.”- Golda Meir

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful. You are Divine!


Michael A. Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT

Soul Satsang: Spirituality as an Escape

I was recently listening to a wonderful podcast by Swami Ramakrishnananda on the subject of spiritual escapism.

Working in the spiritual domain I often hear people say “I am so thankful for my meditation, it helps me to escape reality for a few moments.”

I am so thankful for my “spiritual group” they help me to escape the mundane nature of my life

… and this is just a few of the avenues that many of us use to escape what is presented.  We often forget that what is presented (even if it is not what we want to face) is also part of the divine experience.  Escaping into spirituality takes away from the sacredness.  When we use our spirituality as a game of hide and seek, eventually the other stuff catches up to us…. Which is why I also hear “every time I try and meditate my brain is flooded with thoughts”… Just because you hide from reality it does not mean that she wont keep looking for you.

When we engage our spiritual outlets as spaces to just be present.  To just be whole for a few moments it allows alignment instead of disconnection.

Instead of running from– Run into.   When you run from something it only will chase you faster.  Run into each moment as a divine experience.  Let your spiritual outlets be moments of transcendence instead of avenues of escape.

What do you feel the need to escape from?

What are you running from?

What do you find yourself running towards in times of stress, chaos, or disconnect?

Does escaping into the spiritual lessen the sacredness of the experience, or does it facilitate a release… define release.

Here are some questions for you to sit with

Love and Light.


Engaging the Path

It’s time to move into the flow of your experience.   Run screaming into the wonders that are waiting for you.  We are entering into a time of uncertainty, and this is a beautiful thing.  Not knowing allows us room to be creative.  There is so much waiting for us beneath the veil of our experience.

The hardest part of the spiritual journey is showing up.  When we show up to our experience we are able to be part of the greater journey.  The road is not always an easy one, but the life we are opening up to is a beautiful one.

Engage your journey fully.  Breathe into each moment and allow the expansion of your light to shine in all places.  When we breathe we move, and when we move we create ripples of light that tear through all that binds us.  Live your life loudly, don’t hold back, and shine like a beacon of love.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.


Michael Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT


Nanowrimo and Commitments

So, I’m taking a break from writing.. well, to write.   I am participating in the National Novel Writing Month (nanowrimo), and the idea is to finish a 50,000 word manuscript in 30 days.

The original intent was to do fiction, butt (true to my nature) I’ve decided to be a “nano-rebel” and am working on a non-fiction book that has been sitting on my mind for the past 2 years.  I am excited.  There is something powerful about having the energy of this event to show up to.  The beautiful thing about this type of daily commitment is that we can ride that energy beyond the 30 days.  When we have an engaged energy and daily practice it makes it easier to stay on the path of commitment.  Before this event, I had the desire, but not the willingness to show up.

Aside from my new daily writing practice, I am including a few other stipulations in my Nano journey.

– To stay committed to only eating a raw diet for the month

-1 hour of personal yoga practice a day

-30-45 min of cardio a day

-Focused meditation and prayer (I’m doing focused Japa in the evening and rosary in the morning)

-Writing 2000 words a day to not only meet but to exceed the Nanowrimo requirement


In the scheme of things this is not a lot extra, but in reality this is what I should have been doing all along.  This is a chance to re-commit myself to doing the work that I’ve been wanting to do all this time.  To take things to completion and to allow this new energy to flow through me.

What are you committing to as we get to the end of the year?  If not a writing project, what do you feel drawn towards, and what’s stopping you from doing it?

I’ve had the honor of seeing my partner David not only take his work to completion, but to see him achieve his dream of getting it published.  I’m constantly inspired by all the beautiful people in my life.

You are loved.  You are beautiful. You are DIVINE!

Michael A Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT