Be the Light You Want to See in the World

I am the Light,

The Light is Within me,

The Light Moves Throughout me,

The Light Surrounds me,

The Light Protects me,


Consuela Newton copyright 1986

The above affirmation has been part of my daily practice since 2008.  Every morning I start my day with it.  I feel the power of my inner light, and I step out into the day ready to embrace the joy and challenge of living in this beautiful world.  I’ve spent the past few weeks on an expedition of sorts.  I pulled out all of my old journals, went through old blog posts, and really wanted to see who I was when I first started on this journey into spirit.

It was a beautiful thing to see the innocence of starting on a spiritual adventure, making the commitment to doing this work full-time, and how I was dealing with uncertainty in those moments.  I’ve made a lot of changes since starting this journey (physically and spiritually), but through the digging I was also able to acknowledge the sacred foundation, the unchanging, and am more able now to give those roots a bit more life.  I use to be a lot more positive about life, and my journals use to be filled with beautiful affirmations.  As of late, they’ve looked more like “whine” sessions.  Life grabs us, but light grabs us too.  I’ve gone through a lot of transition over the past few months.  Making a geographic change, relationship changes, and coming back into alignment with my family.  All this change has sent shock waves through my system.  Like a lightening bolt hitting the earth and breaking open the surface.. reveling that rich soil beneath the hardened stone.

I think too often positive affirmations and books like “The Secret” get a bad rap.  A lot of people assume that these tools are just putting masks on the negative, or that they are teaching that we must never have negative thoughts. A lot of people become bound to the negativity, we tend to sit in the struggle for longer than necessary, and we may even lose a sense of worth connected to having “good” in our lives.  Positive affirmations are invitations for the good things to come into our lives, negative affirmations are easy… positive affirmations can be more difficult if we feel bound to not being able to see the light in our dark moments.  Positive affirmations are pulling up the shades.  The affirmations are invitations for us to join life in a different way, to step into life through a different perspective.

When we begin to do the work on inviting the positive into our live and work through gratitude, we are doing the deeper work of the soul.  We are making claim to our birthright.  Engaging positivity also allows us to be less reactive to negative situations.  Affirmations, like mantras, help us to train the emotional body, to come back to center, and to see this “negative” situation through a different lens.. thus allows us to work through it, rather than be bound by it.

Over the past few days I’ve gone into deep reflection about what I want to do with my life.  How do I want to do the work of the soul?  How can I be of service to those in my life, and to humanity as a whole?  Going through my journals also allowed me to see what my original intentions were for taking the leap into the sacred as a profession.  I’ve been truly blessed along the way, and to go back to those moments in my past where things seemed “impossible”, yet there was a current running through my life… one that has never let me fall, and one that stays with me as I move into the next experiences in my life.

I say this often, but if you are not journaling, you really need to start.  I’m so thankful for all those little reminders, those messages from my past to my future self, that I am not able to read, and to take to a deeper place of understanding.

Be the light you want to see in the world.  Let you light shine, and set this world on fire with your glory.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael A. Brazell

Heart Center Meditation with Susan Zummo

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Here is a wonderful meditation to start off the week.  Susan is not only an amazing teacher, but I consider here my spiritual mom.  I’ll be doing a post soon on my journey into, and after taking the PAT (Perceptive Awareness Technique) class.  Susan is a wonderful teacher, and her classes are a lot of fun. She connect through humor, honesty, and love.  You can always tell when a teacher is living their talk, and Susan is most certainly one of those teachers.

For more information on Susan, P.A.T, and workshops that Susan will be hosting, please visit: (She also has online classes!)

Susan Zummo is a highly motivated and qualified teacher of higher awareness. She is one of three nationally certified teachers of Perceptive Awareness Technique, Inc. (P.A.T.) and Soma Pi™ healing, an Integrated Awareness graduate and Intuitive Performance Coach. With over 25 years experience, Susan has been helping students connect with their Higher Mind through Intuitive Counseling sessions, P.A.T. seminars and healing workshops. Her teachings have helped her workshop attendees to reinforce their belief in self and their connection to a higher source.  Her workshop participants regard her as one of the most committed and positive spiritual teachers they have had the fortune to meet.  Susan’s professionalism and compassion are her trademarks.  Most of her students come to her through the glowing recommendations of former students.