10 Ways to open to the current of your soul


The soul is a powerful part of who we are.  It is the breath of God that breathes through us.  It is the voice that we hear in times of need.  It is the love that radiates from the limitless, into this sometimes limited space of existence.  Opening up to the current of your soul is a powerful way to help radiate light into all creation.  The more open we are to our soul, its guidance, and it’s presence the more able we will be to stay aligned with our life purpose.

There are many ways to connect to the Soul Current, so this list is by no means the end all be all, but having a place to jump-start the connection is always helpful.  The soul is always and in all ways with you.  It just takes a moment to connect.  Connecting to your soul allows you to engage your life, your health, your work situations, and life with greater clarity.  Take a few moments each day to consciously connect to your soul.  What messages does it have for you?

Here are a few of the ways to connect to your Soul Current:

  1. Slow down.  We are all moving so quickly these days.  We run through the day with barely any recollection of the important moments.  We extend ourselves so far out into the future, that we lose sight of what is right in front of us.  Take a moment to slow down, breathe, sit, and disconnect from the busy energy in your life for 15 min.
  2. Breathe.  The breath is our connection to the divine.  When we breath we are accepting an invitation to join the present.  To be present in our presence allows us to connect to the soul.  Conscious breathing nourishes us.  When we are present with the breath, we are present with the soul.
  3. Be kind.  Extend kindness in all directions.  When you are at the grocery store, say thank you to the person ringing up your groceries–use their names (they are wearing name tags for a reason).  Call a friend and tell them how much they mean to you.  Don’t forget to be kind to yourself.  We beat ourselves up all the time for silly things.  Take a breath, place your hand on your heart, and say “I Love You” to the beating heart.
  4. Journal.  The journal is the most powerful spiritual tool that we have.  It is a sacred space for us to have dialogue with our soul.  Making time each day to reflect on the various aspects of our life allow us to gain clarity.  In your journal you can write questions that you want to ask your soul.  You can write letters to God.  You can explore emotions and experiences that may be troubling you.  The journal is a great place for contemplation.
  5. Meditate. Meditation allows us to come into presence.  It allows for mindfulness and stillness, and in the stillness we can find our soul waiting for us.  There are many different ways to meditate, so I encourage you to explore and find what works best for you.  Inviting stillness into our mind, body and spirit allows us to slow down and rest in our presence.  An easy way to connect to your soul in meditation is to: sit, bring attention to the breath, and listen.
  6. Trust.  Learning to trust can be difficult. Many of us have been hurt at some point in our lives.  This causes us to lock down.  The pain is often a doorway that allows us to be softer, it allows us to learn more about who we are at the core of our being.  We often blame God or our intuition for taking us into the storm, but often we had the guidance to avoid the storm before we made the journey–hindsight is always 20/20.  Journaling and writing down the words of our soul help us to see the words, which in some cases helps us to trust it.  The more we engage our soul, the more we step into the current of our being.
  7. Move your body.  The body is the temple of the soul.  Moving the body allows us to bring all parts of self into communion with the soul.  We often store emotions in our body.  This can result in muscle pain and tightness.  Treat the body to exercise, massage, yoga or some other form of physical activity.  When we honor the temple, the soul is able to be more present.  Eating foods that nourish you is another way to keep the body’s energy clear and receptive.
  8. Read uplifting books. Read books that take you to a new level of consciousness. Take the information from what you read and apply it to your life.  I often see people get these really great spiritual books, but no one does any of the exercises.  Taking time to apply what you are learning to your life will help you become part of your evolution.  Reading about masters can offer insight into your own journey.
  9. Connect to community. You are not alone on the journey. Connect with like-minded individuals, join meetup groups, and if there isn’t anything in your area start something!  Connecting to community allows our soul to flower.  By opening up to the light of others, and by sharing our light, we raise the vibration of humanity.
  10. Love yourself unconditionally.  Learning to love yourself, without conditions, is the fullest expression of your soul’s light.  This is a hard step for many of us, but an important part of the journey.  Opening to a deeper sense of love, allows you to also become more receptive to a greater love from those around you.  Too often we shut ourselves down through judgement, through fear, or unresolved grief.  By doing many of the actions in this list, you are telling the soul that you are ready for a deeper connection to love.  Our soul is an expression of God’s love for us.  Place on hand on your heart, and the other on your solar plexus.  See the word LOVE in your mind’s eye. Inhale and align with LOVE. Exhale and expand LOVE.  Continue this cycle of intentional breath until you feel love moving through your being.


These are just a few ways that you can connect to your soul.  Opening up a little each day, and setting aside time to begin the process is all it takes.  The hardest part about spirituality and life is showing up.  Are you ready to show up to your journey?


You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.


Michael Brazell




Weekly Soul Update (9/29/2014)

Every Monday I’ll be doing a Soul Update for the week.  These will give me a chance to update you on all the fun happenings.   Be sure to follow the blog!

– I am currently having issues with Blogtalk.  Soul Empowerment Radio is going to be on a brief hiatus.  I am currently exploring new platforms and other methods of putting information out into the universe.  I am going to be posting more blog posts and YouTube videos.  Be sure to keep checking back!

– I have openings this week for Soma Pi and Reiki Healing sessions.  These can be done remotely or in person.  I also have availability for Soul Empowerment Sessions.  I am going to be offering a weekend special this upcoming weekend on my FaceBook page, be sure to check it later this week!  You can schedule a session via my website:  www.michaelbrazell.com

-Starting this Friday I am gong to be starting a special series of blog posts addressing the Gay Soul.  My soul has been directing me to do specific dialog and healing work with members of the men who love men community.  During these blog posts I’ll address topics various topics that affect our community: shame, homophobia, community engagement, overculture pressure, relationships, and more.  I am also going to be creating a Facebook group that will allow us to discuss some of the topics I’ll be addressing in the blog series.  If you are interested in joining the conversation you can email me at: michael@michaelbrazell.com, or message me via my facebook page: www.facebook.com/soulintuitive

-Mercury retrograde is upon us (Oct 4th – Oct 25th)!  Stay centered and be prepared.  As the years have progressed, the intensity of astrological alignments have increased.  It is vital to have patience, to center, and to stay aligned with your soul mission.  Even if you feel that these astrological alignments do not impact you directly, they may impact those that you deal with.  Pay attention to communication, plan ahead, and be prepared.

-The ripples from the global events are impacting all of us.  Many of us may feel helpless as the world moves through its upheaval cycle.  You are much more powerful than you think.  This is a time for us to step into deeper places of service.  Shine your gifts out into the world.  Shine your soul’s light into the darkness.  Engage in prayer, meditate, activate your healing modalities, and stay informed!  Many of us turn away from the news of world events, but just because you ignore it, doe not mean that it will not impact you.  Do your research!  Do not take things at face value.  Dig deeper and ask questions.  As we move forward my intuition is directing me to share more information and solutions. Each week I’ll post an intuitive geopolitical update, but also action steps that we can take to help increase awareness, and decrease the impact of these actions on our lives.  We will also look at how we as individuals can increase the energy of light in the world.

Soul Message:

Beloved,  KNOW that you are loved.  This is a time of change and transition.  Many of you are feeling the impact that upheaval and change usually brings.  Know that these changes are bringing you an opportunity to come into greater presence.  Many of you seek to escape your situations, but this is not possible.  Coming into presence allows you to coming into alignment with the power of your soul.  Trust the deep inner knowing, the deep stillness, trust that even in the chaos the divine hand is holding you in grace.  Do not fear as movement begins, this is a time of initiation.  Trust the process that your intuition is offering you, it is able to give you solutions to the problems you are facing.   Remember how deeply you are loved, hold this at your heart, and live it.


As always—-


You are loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell



The Power of Structure

I love fluidity in my spiritual work, but I’ve noticed that I have been a little too loosey goosey with things as of late.  I’ve seen this in a lot of friends and clients as well.  In the past few weeks I’ve had a lot of time to self-reflect.  I’ve been able to dive a bit deeper into my personal experience to see what I need to do to get myself back on track, to go deeper.  When there is structure, there is foundation.  Today, I sat with my intuition.  It told me that I need to be a bit more structured in how I approach my personal spiritual work.  I have a military background, so structure and discipline are nothing new to me, but it can be a bit tough to step back into those waters, but I feel that it is necessary.

Today is a good day for building a new foundation.  The sky is a bit overcast, and the temperatures are starting to cool.  Sitting outside in nature allows me to see how everything is just moving at a beautiful rhythm and pace, it has a structure… not one that limits, but one that allows for the deepest expression.  Over the past few weeks I’ve seen myself slowing purging from my life the things that are no longer serving my highest intent and purpose. Friendships have changed, evolved or fallen away.  What I choose to give my attention to has also changed.  I do feel the deep call of distraction from time to time.  Too often we feed our distractions, because to feed our points of power means that we have to change completely.  Now that I am aware of those distractions I’ve started the process of removing them.  I’ve deleted unnecessary apps from my phone, am limiting my time on social media, and am doing a deeply structured fast this week.

Structure shouldn’t be looked at as punishment, but if we are just floating through our experience and not engaging a deeper sense of purpose, we need to take a look at that.  Everything has intention behind it.  Even when we choose to step out of our light, that carries intention, and that ripples through all of creation.  For me, structure allows me to be more powerful, it allows me to be fluid with purpose.  It also helps to eliminate fear.

Starting this week, I am making even more changes with how I work with spirit, but also in some of the direction I take with engaging the world and my soul community at large.  I’ve seen other amazing people stand deep in their truth, bringing new perspectives to light, and opening their inner awareness.. these individuals have inspired me to no longer hold back.  For a long time I’ve preferred not to rock the boat, but sometimes you have to rock it to clean off the barnacles.  Having structure also allows us to be okay with whatever happens when we take those steps onto a new phase of our journey.  The things I’m going to be bringing forward are going to be new for me to talk about, but are things that I and my Soul feel are important to start sharing.

What would having more structure look like to you?  Where do you need more structure in your spiritual life?  What can you do right now to move towards deeper connection and commitment?


You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.



Breathing in… Breathing out

deep-breathI‘ve been sitting in front of a blank screen trying to decide what to write.  Life has been interesting the past few weeks.  It seems that “loss” is theme that I’ve had to deal with.  Don’t get me wrong, nothing too tragic has happened, but the small losses remind us of the bigger ones we have faced in life, and remind us of life’s ever-changing landscape.  I’m also noticing that we are all more reactive than usual.  There are a lot of unusual astrological events occurring that are making us a bit wonky, but since I’m not an astrologer I’m not going to be going too deeply into those.   The world is also moving from crisis to crisis, and we are all trying to hold onto a bit of sanity.

I’m finding myself going a bit more inward, and am hearing my intuition telling me that things are going to balance out soon.  I’m finding that in order to move forward with clarity, that I’m having to let go a bit more… and not a superficial letting go, but letting go from the core… deeply releasing elements of my past so that I can stand present in my presence.  My journal has become my sidekick, tho even at times I resist visiting it.  When we go through lots of rapid change it challenges our identity.  We come a bit unglued.  We see whats really beneath the surface, and this gives us an opportunity to ask ourselves the tougher questions.. “who am I”..  “what is my calling”.. and “where am I going”


I believe that God in its infinite wisdom knows that if we are shown the final destination on the map, that we would run away screaming as if tho we were just lit on fire.  So, we get small snippets of grace.  We move into and out of alignment so that we can learn a little more about ourselves, about the universe and about the people in our lives.  Over the past few weeks I’ve learned a lot about myself and what I want to create with my path.  My life is in a state of evolution, and that means that more changes are on the horizon in regards to my work, what I will be offering the world, and what I will be doing.  I feel that I need more authenticity in my personal walk with God, and I feel that as this opening continues to happen that it will be for the best.  When we are called to service, we are called to respond from the very core of our being.  It requires brutal honestly, and deep vulnerability.  I think that too often we are afraid to step onto our paths for fear of what we will lose by taking those first timid steps… and the answer is: everything.

Each breath is an invitation for us to join life, to step a little more deeply onto the path in front of us.  We don’t have to know where we are going, but we do need to show up.  Showing up allows us to begin.  What keeps you from showing up?

I’m going to be more personal on this blog.  I am also going to be dong a lot more teaching centered work.  My goal is to empower others to stand in grace, to claim their power, and to create community.

Stay tuned for the changes.  🙂   I appreciate each and every person that reads and follows this blog.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful. You are Divine.


I don’t need you in my life, I want you there

relationshipsOver the years, I’ve done a LOT of relationship readings.  They are my least favorite type of reading to do.  I do feel that there is value in asking for guidance in our romantic connections, but many of the questions I am asked could be answered if couples learned to communicate more.  I’m going to share here a few insights that I have received through these sessions.  This it by no means a full list, but an invitation to take a look at your experience.  Each day, we are able to step more fully into our connections.  Not everyday is going to be wonderful, but there are things that we can to do connect, to be present and to love more deeply.

  • You should not “need” your partner in your life, you should “want” them there.  Too often we surrender out our personal power to our loved ones. We make them responsible for our happiness, our security, and sometimes a sense of self-worth.  When we need them as if they are the air we breath (which may sound romantic) we are placing a dangerous responsibility on them.  Wanting someone to be in your life with you is an invitation.  When you want to share that space of love and connection with them, you are allowing them to be who they are, and you are not making them a necessity, but a part of the tapestry.
  • Communication is vital.  To me, communication is as important as fidelity.  If you are not talking to the person you are sharing your life with, then you lose connection.  In the age of technology we often count our email, Face Book, or texts as communication, but sadly it is not.  E-communication is great for sending quick notes, reminders, etc.. but you should not have arguments, discuss big issues, or crisis using e-communication.  When you sit in the presence of your loved one, you are there with them.  When you show up to communication offer them your full attention. Life is full of distractions, don’t invite them into your relationship.  Set aside time where you talk about your dreams, your ideas, your needs, your desires, your fears, issues within the relationship, things you are grateful for, etc.  Allow communication to be something that is ALWAYS welcomed.   When there is an open invitation to talk to one another, and it is actively engaged, true growth is able to happen.
  • Love unconditionally.  Too often I see clients comparing and contrasting current relationships with old relationships.  Let the person you are with be who they are.  We all have broken pieces.  We all have baggage.  Of course we have to respect our personal boundaries in a relationship, and if communication is open and active discussion about such things becomes possible.  Love the person you are with by truly being there with them.  Don’t just put your cell phones aside, turn them off.  Keep some memories for yourself. Don’t live your relationships online, live it in the world.
  • Be spontaneous.  Life is too short to not have adventure and play.  Stagnation brings negativity.  Shake things up a bit, show the person you are with that you love them.  Leave notes for them around the house, leave a list in their pocket telling them how grateful you are for them, play board games, have great sex, don’t plan life out so much, leave room for play.
  • Relationships end.  “Till death do us part” still means that at some point it is going to end.  Too often we forget how finite time is.  We are not guaranteed any tomorrows,  or even our next breath.  I do say this so that you will live in fear, but more so that you will live in gratitude. At the end of a relationship we often regret not talking things out more clearly, we regret not being more spontaneous, we regret not showing up for fully.  The realization that death exists allows us to be more purposeful with our time.  Say I love you more.  Hold your lovers hand.  Kiss them frequently.  Look into their eyes and really see them, breathe in each moment fully.  If/when it does end, you’ll have countless beautiful memories to look back on in gratitude instead of regret.


I still do relationship readings if necessary.  I will usually only answer questions that will help my client improve themselves within the framework for the relationship.  Taking responsibility for who YOU are allows you to show up more fully, to be more present, and to love more fully.


You can also join me this Thursday on Soul Empowerment Radio (8/147/2014) as I take this conversation a bit deeper.  If you are reading this beyond the show’s air date, all the shows are archived so you can still listen in.


You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.


Michael A. Brazell








No Holding Back

Over the past few months, I’ve been given a lot of clarity.  I feel that I’ve been holding back a lot of my life.  I feel myself opening to new energies, and new and deeper understanding of spirituality.  Each day I sit with my soul in deep conversation.  I’m learning to listen, and more importantly to trust.

My intuition and my guides have been giving me a lot of new information recently.  New downloads seem to be a daily thing.  Some of the information is going to be radical, and some of it a gentle reminder to return to ourselves.  I’ve also been given some new processes that’ll I will also be sharing over the next few months.  Lot’s of changes are ahead.  I’ve been feeling the call to simplify my life, my spirituality, and work.  Change is never easy, but as we move into greater states of trust, we know that change is also powerful.  I feel that as teaches, readers, healers, as we evolve we also help those coming to us evolve as well.  It means there is more work to do, and a new level of experience is opening up.

I’ve found myself holding back from sharing the information that’s been coming through, but we are entering a time where it is necessary for us to connect to our soul energy at the deepest levels possible.  Some of the information that will be delivered may not resonate with everyone, and that is okay.  When we come up to the edges of our reality, when we encounter challenge, we learn are then able to grow.  We also encounter deepening at those moments of challenge.  It’s time for us to take ownership of our experiences, to take claim to the power inherent in each of us.  Communities are starting to come together, soul families are being born and created, and the flow of etheric information is on the rise.  Now is the time to listen deeply, find time for stillness and silence, and open to your highest levels of intent.

When we encounter new information it can be challenging and even frightening to bring it through.  I’ve been seeing many light workers waking up to their divine purpose, and then taking the leap and putting themselves out there and into the world.  This is the time to shine our light as bright as possible, and it truly is inspiring to see so many communities and individuals taking off the reigns and transmitting new information with intent.

If you are finding yourself holding back because of fear, judgement, or otherwise… just know that it is time to step deeper into and onto your path.  There are teams of etheric beings that are there to assist you, and there are many others in this reality that are also waiting for you to step up to the podium.

One of my teachers Consuela Newton closes many of her talks with this quote from Matthew.  This has become my mantra in a way..

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify God.


Take a moment to see where you are holding back in your life.  What is calling you?  Where do you feel you need to be more present?  What can you do in this moment to move into greater connection to your journey?


You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell


Weekend Specials, Radio Show, and Life

rtrbuddhaI hope that everyone is doing well.  Life has been up and down for many (myself included).  Be sure that you are taking time to breath.  Take a few moments each day to be in gratitude for all that life is bringing you–yes, even the struggle.  The struggle that we go through is a teacher, it helps to bring us to our edges, and helps us to initiate change.   Take a moment and just breathe. Place your hands on your heart, and feel the drum of your life beating, moving life force through your very existence.  This is what life is really all about.  Finding a bit of stillness in the chaos.  Don’t get so hung up on the small things.  Allow yourself to have grace, peace and love.  The world will bring its challenges.  Life will be difficult.  Decisions will not be easy… and even in all of this we can find love.  The grass is already green where you are.  Stand in power, stand in love, and let your breath move you.


–I’ve just loaded up my website with the reading specials for June!  So head over and check those out.  I am also offering some really great offers for this weekend (5/30-6/1).  If you purchase a 30 or 60 min reading this weekend, you’ll get one free.  You can share the extra reading with a friend, use it for a follow-up, or just keep it for a future “soul check up”.  The sessions are good for 6 months, so you don’t have to book them right away.  This is a great deal since they are combined with the already reduced rates!  Click here to go to my site, or fill out the form below.  If you are currently going through a financial hardship and still want to get a reading, do not hesitate to contact me.  We can always work out an exchange, a payment plan, etc.

–I am also offering $6 email readings.  These are great if you want a bit of a soul nudge, or just have a few questions.  These usually take me about 24 hours to respond to, and you can ask up to 3 questions you’d like guidance on. For more information or to schedule a session just click here. You can also fill out the form below.

Soul Interaction Radio is up and running!  Be sure to check it out.  I am going all out with it, and really hope that we can keep the momentum going.  We are currently airing 5 days a week, and I have some AMAZING guests lined up for the show.  Here is the current schedule.

Monday- 7pm EST Soul Meditations (meditation talk and guided meditation)

Tuesdays- 7pm EST Soul Interaction Radio (Topics and Free on air readings)

Wednesdays- 9pm Applied Spirit.  Learn how to apply your spiritual life to your everyday life

Thursdays- 7pm EST Soul Interaction Radio (Topics and Free on air readings)

Fridays- Soul Satsang: This show is a divine transmission. It is about creating and solidifying our touchstones for truth.  I tune into spirit, and we flow through guided meditations, channeled messages, healing, and spiritual discussion.  I am working out the time and format, and that will be found on the BlogTalk channel.

– I am also getting more active on YouTube, so be sure to check out the Soul Interaction Channel!

****I am going to be hosting classes via Google Hangout.  These will be mini workshops on meditation, channeling, A Course in Miracles, and the Oneness Transmissions.  If  you are interesting in learning more you can email me at:  michael@michaelbrazell.com  and follow my facebook page to get the updates:  SoulIntuitive


Just remember, take some time for you.  Start living your life to the fullest NOW. Stop tiptoeing around your soul journey and start living it.  Trust your intuition, and take the leap!

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.  


Michael Brazell CFT CST MAT





Spring/Summer Reading Specials

Change is a constant, and for many of us, it comes in deep waves.  If you are feeling stuck, or just want to dive a bit deeper into your soul journey feel free to contact me to set up a session.  I’m offer reduced rates for a limited time.  🙂

You can set up a session here:  http://bit.ly/1lLFKuX

Spring/Summer Reading Specials:
15 min sessions- 25.00 (45.00)
30 min sessions- 35.00 (70.00)
45 min sessions- 50.00 (90.00)
60 min sessions- 70.00 (110.00)

Distance Healing with phone/email follow up-30.00 (50.00)

If you have questions or want to set up a session feel free to email me at:  michael@michaelbrazell.com

You are Beautiful. You are Divine.

Be the Light You Want to See in the World

I am the Light,

The Light is Within me,

The Light Moves Throughout me,

The Light Surrounds me,

The Light Protects me,


Consuela Newton copyright 1986

The above affirmation has been part of my daily practice since 2008.  Every morning I start my day with it.  I feel the power of my inner light, and I step out into the day ready to embrace the joy and challenge of living in this beautiful world.  I’ve spent the past few weeks on an expedition of sorts.  I pulled out all of my old journals, went through old blog posts, and really wanted to see who I was when I first started on this journey into spirit.

It was a beautiful thing to see the innocence of starting on a spiritual adventure, making the commitment to doing this work full-time, and how I was dealing with uncertainty in those moments.  I’ve made a lot of changes since starting this journey (physically and spiritually), but through the digging I was also able to acknowledge the sacred foundation, the unchanging, and am more able now to give those roots a bit more life.  I use to be a lot more positive about life, and my journals use to be filled with beautiful affirmations.  As of late, they’ve looked more like “whine” sessions.  Life grabs us, but light grabs us too.  I’ve gone through a lot of transition over the past few months.  Making a geographic change, relationship changes, and coming back into alignment with my family.  All this change has sent shock waves through my system.  Like a lightening bolt hitting the earth and breaking open the surface.. reveling that rich soil beneath the hardened stone.

I think too often positive affirmations and books like “The Secret” get a bad rap.  A lot of people assume that these tools are just putting masks on the negative, or that they are teaching that we must never have negative thoughts. A lot of people become bound to the negativity, we tend to sit in the struggle for longer than necessary, and we may even lose a sense of worth connected to having “good” in our lives.  Positive affirmations are invitations for the good things to come into our lives, negative affirmations are easy… positive affirmations can be more difficult if we feel bound to not being able to see the light in our dark moments.  Positive affirmations are pulling up the shades.  The affirmations are invitations for us to join life in a different way, to step into life through a different perspective.

When we begin to do the work on inviting the positive into our live and work through gratitude, we are doing the deeper work of the soul.  We are making claim to our birthright.  Engaging positivity also allows us to be less reactive to negative situations.  Affirmations, like mantras, help us to train the emotional body, to come back to center, and to see this “negative” situation through a different lens.. thus allows us to work through it, rather than be bound by it.

Over the past few days I’ve gone into deep reflection about what I want to do with my life.  How do I want to do the work of the soul?  How can I be of service to those in my life, and to humanity as a whole?  Going through my journals also allowed me to see what my original intentions were for taking the leap into the sacred as a profession.  I’ve been truly blessed along the way, and to go back to those moments in my past where things seemed “impossible”, yet there was a current running through my life… one that has never let me fall, and one that stays with me as I move into the next experiences in my life.

I say this often, but if you are not journaling, you really need to start.  I’m so thankful for all those little reminders, those messages from my past to my future self, that I am not able to read, and to take to a deeper place of understanding.

Be the light you want to see in the world.  Let you light shine, and set this world on fire with your glory.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael A. Brazell





Total Revamp, New Services, and Connecting to Community

I am diving into the land of website revamping and narrowing down my focus for the services that I am offering spiritually.  There is a lot moving and grooving in the Soul Interaction world.  I am hoping to get some videos up on my YouTube page in the next few days, and the radio show is also going to be launching again next week.

Over the past few days I’ve had the chance to sit with my personal spiritual journey, and I’ve come to some wonderful realizations about what I want to do with my path both personally and professionally.

Radio show:

Soul Interaction Radio is still going to bring you no fluff connection to spirituality, but we are also going to be structuring the show so that I can take your calls, answer your questions and do on air readings again.  We had stopped doing them for a while because we wanted to focus on the topics, but I feel that it is time to make the show about connection and community.  I love helping others connect to their paths, and the show offers the perfect platform for us to do that.  Be sure to tune in and follow the show.  I’m going to be posting the schedule this weekend.

New Services:

I am also available for regular sessions. My schedule is pretty open, so if you want to set something up… Skype, phone, or in person (Columbia, SC area) let me know.   You can go to www.michaelbrazell.com for more information or to schedule a session.
Channeling sessions: My guides will speak to you directly. These sessions are energy transmissions. The purpose is to help you connect to your soul journey with greater intensity. My guides will open up to you directly, addressing what they feel is most pressing for you at this time. These sessions are geared towards helping you grow and open spiritually (these are not the sessions for “do the love me” questions). The sessions last 45-60 min. Introductory Price: 90.00

One on one guided meditation: We will begin with a soul session to connect deeper to your present moment. I’ll then take you through a guided meditation that is offered directly from spirit. The session helps to bring gentle awareness to issues that you might be going through, but also allows us to directly engage the multiple levels of your experience with presence and awareness. Sessions are between 45-60 min. Introductory Price: 70.00

Soul Mediumship (Spirit Connection): These sessions allow us to connect directly with those that have crossed over. We invite your guides, your guardians, your ancestors to step into presence. We open up for communication. The purpose of these sessions is to offer healing, closure, and to allow guidance from those beings. When doing one of these sessions I ask that my clients be open to whoever comes through, and to allow for fluidity in the session. These sessions usually last between 30min-60min. Introductory Price: 30min/ 60.00 60min/100.00

To schedule a session you can head over to my service page at: http://michaelbrazell.com/Readings_services.html and fill out the contact form on the page.


I really appreciate everyone’s patience as I get everything back online and functioning.

You are all Loved.  You are all Beautiful.  You are all Divine.


Mike Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT
