Finding the flow, when you are caught in the waves

oceanI haven’t been on the blog in a while.  Like many, I am feeling the upheaval of this time of year.  Life changes in an instant, and sometimes the entirety of our experience can shift.  When the waves are rolling in, it is important to start using all of those spiritual tools that we have been collecting over the years.  One of the questions I get asked a lot is,

“How do I stay centered in all of this upheaval?”

Now, what I am about to say is going to sound counter intuitive, but it is something that holds a lot of truth…Don’t try to stay centered in all of it.  Let yourself feel the entirety of the ocean.  Feel the waves of emotion that come through life experience, and acknowledge all of them.  Let yourself be present in your presence.  Staying in the moment is not an easy thing to do.  Holding steady, and just allowing the rain to fall on us when we have forgotten our umbrella is not easy.. but will running really get us less wet?

Many of us are taught to either push away the emotions that upheaval bring, or to pull them close to us.  The other option is to do nothing except give what arises within you your gentle observation.  In upheaval we can cling to that which is moving away from us, and this keeps us in a pity puddle.  Some of us get use to being the victims of our experience.  We get use to false refuges, and we stay in situations that feel safe.   Pushing things away can be equally harmful to our experience.  When we suppress emotions, when we do not acknowledge that grieving is a necessary part of any transition, we allow ourselves to move through anger, hurt, or heavier emotions with grace.  We allow tears to flow, because “being strong” means being vulnerable.  We we move into this type of grace with ourselves, we do not resist, but allow.

Another important part of finding our flow is allowing detox to happen.  Whenever we go through the currents of life, when we feel the loss, we have to allow a period of detoxification.  Part of suppression is moving too quickly into the next experience.  If we do not take time to process our lessons, we will have to go through them again, and they only get closer too us.

In the end, it is not about staying centered, but staying with the flow. YOU are the center, and where you are is where you are supposed to be. It might not be pretty, but it is the reality of any given moment.  This acceptance allows you to be in the flow, and in a place of balance with the forces around you.  So, don’t look for the center, be the center.  Be all that you are.

So, getting back into the blogging flow.  I’ll have more to post soon, new things are coming, new projects, a move, and new experiences.   I am not sure what comes next, but the flow is wonderful.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT

Poem, Stream of Consciousness

Last night I had a dream…

It was about the time I fell into your forever beneath a street light.  It was supernova in the rain, and the drops chased us like stardust. .We ran for cover, jumping puddles like hurdles to infinity… the kiss of rain on window panes as gentle as ear on heartbeat…

I’m still searching for the moment when heartbeats became war drums.. My ears became deaf to the instruments, maybe if I would’ve listened just a little more closely…

My eyes have learned the language of waterfalls..

My fingers stained with poems searching for safety like umbrellas on rainy nights

Poems are not road maps around the hurdles…

My mind grabs memories like puddles grab rain drops…

My hands puddle tear drops into poems…

My poems, stardust caught in street lights…

Dreams fade into sunshine… then we wake up..


Finding inspiration, moving deeper into practice

There has been a LOT going on over the past few months.  It seems that life is shifting us in a multitude of directions.  We are learning to swim the hard way.  When we go through the struggles, we get a chance to see where we need to place extra plaster, we get to test the seams of our experience.

I’m personally feeling the call to dive deeper into my own spirituality.  Recently a good friend of mine Pheonyx Roldan Smith passed away.  I believe when a soul like his leaves the body a sonic boom of energy occurs.  He lived his life in the deep spiritual planes, but also reached out to many of us to dive deeper into our own experience.  I have found myself sifting through things on his blog  I felt inspired by what I was reading, his journey, the trusting, and the opening of experience, and moving through the fear.  I see a lot of my own path in his work.  I am also aware of where I am holding back, where I need to trust more, and there is a lot of new energy that I will be bringing through in the next couple of weeks.

“If not now, when?”

That becomes the mantra that plays in the back of our minds when we place that “thing” spirit is giving us, that “thing” that is begging to come in and shift the world.  We have to start trusting our intuition.  We have to start asking the deeper questions.  We have to start honoring our bodies by giving them proper nutrition and exercise.  We have to get away from our technology and BE part of the world around us.

I am starting a fast.  When I start I tend to go deep into the experience of fasting.  I go for an all water fast for a few days as a reset.  Starting next week, I am going to do a chakra specific cleanse.  Engaging and dedicating a charka per day.  This will be a week-long ritual of clearing the energy so that soul conversation and guidance can be more clear.  Journaling is becoming more direct.  I usually keep two journals.  One that I capture my personal moments throughout the day, my personal insights, growth points, moments of reflection/contemplation and planning.  In the second journal I focus my intuition into the space around me.  I am making it a point to pay closer attention to the news (alternative and mainstream), predictions that intuition is giving me/ and those I am seeing others present, engaging discernment and tuning into the TRUE narrative.

I am also going to be doing a better job of capturing and dialogue my experience here.  Videos are coming (yoga, QiGong, meditations and teaching).  I need to do deeper, more specific meditations as well.  I’m feeling the call to connect to others doing this work.  I am also going to be doing a few community projects as well.

The journey is more than just what we as individuals are going through.  When we as individuals show up to the work, dig deep, work through the process of ascension we elevate all those around us.  We elevate humanity.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.


Michael A. Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT



Channeled Transmission: Stuck in Darkness, Stuck in Light

Dark-and-LightMy guides have been pinging me a lot lately.  I feel that we are on the verge of big change.  They are bringing me new awareness, and my intuition is increasing.  Moving into greater states of trust is where the challenge lies for most of us.  Moving into trusting the deeper calling of the soul can often bring up resistance.  Life is full of challenge, but life is also full of joy and love.  As I watch information come in from a variety of fronts, I am noticing a lot of polarization.  One thing we have to be careful not to get caught in things being too filled with darkness, nor too filled with light.

So, what does that mean exactly.  We can’t be all “doom and gloom”, but we also can’t be completely “love and light”.  The world is a beautiful mixture of each of these principles.  We do not want to get so stuck in positive thinking that we deny the experiences that are unfolding.  We also do not want to get so trapped in impossibility and darkness that we do not enjoy this life experience.

In the coming weeks I will be posting regarding specific events that are taking place, and will take place in the months/years to come.

We are currently being bombarded by  massive amounts of energy.  The solar flares over the year have increased in intensity, and we have faced a lot of difficult astrological alignments.  Imagine for a moment that we as humans are operating at 100 watts of energy.  The new bombardment of energy is causing us to elevate, awaken, and open up.  We are seeing this in the new awareness being actualized in our response to many of the global changes.  People are also becoming more self-aware of their purpose, their path, and who they truly are.  For others, they are not sure how to respond to the changes.  They are becoming confused, feeling disoriented, and anxious.

Overculture is bombarding humanity with much more distraction than ever.  Technology is becoming much more fantastic and in many ways is taking away even the most simple of actions  from everyone.  When distraction reigns overtakes awakening, or replaces it with a false sense of “true” connection movement halts.  True connection is found in simplicity.  True connection is found in the joy shared by human engagement, true connection is found when pen touches page, true connection is found in conversing not texting/emailing, true connection is found when life is shared through interaction with one another.

Technology can serve a purpose, but do not let the built-in distractions keep you away from true connection and purpose.  Wake up to your life fully.  Give attention to those things that are serving your highest good, recognize joy, find gratitude in the small things.

Do not shy away from the struggle, it serves a purpose.  The closer the sandpaper shaves the wood, the more refined the outcome of creation.  What is shaping you in this moment?  Where are you giving your attention?

This is a beautiful time of challenge and change.  The dark comes with the light, find personal balance in each.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell, CFT CSN MAT PAT

Journey into spirit

bibleA lot has been evolving in my life.  Each day brings moments of connection, opportunities to grow, and possibility.  Humanity is in a phase of cleansing.  Our tests are becoming more tangible, and we are being given chances to step into greater moments of grace.

For me, this is a great time to go back to my foundations, my roots, and the earlier moments that I met spirit along the road to here.   Introspection and contemplation are important parts of my spiritual practice.  Taking a look at where I am, finding appreciation and then looking at the doors that are opening up keep me moving.  Intuition comes in and helps me to discern the path, the door, and the experience.   This also causes me to look at the things that I am giving energy to, so that I can see what needs to evolve.

One thing that has been coming up for me over the past few weeks is a focus on my Christian roots.   The Bible in particular has really grabbed my attention and my focus.  I can remember sitting with my Grandmother and hearing the stories she would share from the bible, and it was in those moments that spirit came into presence.  I am going back to this book, and am going to take time to go through it, to read it, to make my own commentary on the text.  I am going to do this with a variety of sacred texts, but for now I am giving my attention to this book.  I know that many have their issues with Christianity and with the Bible in particular, and the beauty of the spiritual experience is that we are all able to take what we need from the spiritual experience and run with it.  I’ll post here some of the encounters I have during this period.  I think it is important to go back to our foundation, to keep it strong, and to grow anew from the nuggets we find buried.  Life has been interesting, and I’ll be posting some of my personal experiences via this blog as well as articles/channeling/and videos.

My personal spiritual practice and what I am offering to clients is also changing and evolving.  I am also planning lots of travel in the coming years, and am putting the manifesting practices to the test in making all of this a reality.

The world has not ended…but everything is changing

imagesWhat a beautifully chaotic time we are living in.  I know that many are struggling at this time.  Struggle is part of the process.  We are entering into a global and personal cleansing.  Life is not meant to be “easy”, but it is meant to be lived… All of it.  The perceived good, the perceived bad.  Everything we move through happens so that we can engage this life experience fully.  We are all experiential beings.  We live in this wonderful 5 sense reality and we are being stimulated with greater frequency.

Right now our stability is being tested.  The ground is not as firm as it use to be, and that is okay.  When we have things taken away from us (jobs, health, money) we are given a chance to move into gratitude.  The same people who use to complain about their jobs prior to the government ‘shutdown’ are now in a different relationship to those jobs.    Another thing that is being offered is the chance to rise above the moment, to tune into your other gifts, and to create a new experience.  Nothing is really as stable as it seems.  As a yoga instructor I know that I am just an injury away from not being able to teach a hardcore yoga class.  I’ve had that tested, and learned to adapt.   We can look at these challenges as opportunities or we can look at them as life pooping on us and sulk away.  I am not saying you shouldn’t feel the emotions that are coming up, just don’t get trapped into the limitation spirals.   Sit with the entirety of the experience.  What is coming up for you emotionally, spiritually, mentally?  What are you resisting?   What needs to be loved in this moment?  What needs to be put on a shelf?

I think too often we as a society get too busy to say a simply thank you to the wonder and mystery of our experience.  We’ve learned to take things for granted, and too often do.  Now is the time to find gratitude for all things big and small.  Find gratitude in your struggle.  It is the sandpaper that is shaping you into something wonderful.

Just remember…..


You are Loved.  You are Beautiful. You are Divine.

Michael A. Brazell


Channeling Transmission 5/7/2013

Beloved Children of Light:

You are entering a very interesting time in your earth’s existence.  You are the holders of the energetic space that is needed for the full transformation of consciousness.  Many of you are feeling the upheavals that are coming with this transition, and we are here to tell you that there is more to come.  For the new energy to transition into full alignment, the old has to fall away… but since energy is neither created nor destroyed the old energy must be transmuted.  Be careful of what you are holding onto and what you are giving your attention to.  You focus needs to be on aligning with what brings you the most joy, abundance and happiness.  Create balance, so much more exists beyond the struggle, do NOT get trapped in the struggle.  Your guides and higher extensions of consciousness are assisting many of you in this time.  Take time to slow down, to disconnect from the distractions of this 3D space.  Your technology is designed to bring you into contact with one another at lightning speed.  The flow of information is moving all of you faster into alignment, but you are moving so fast that you are NOT aware of the illusion you are getting trapped.

Be still.  Talk to one another. Write Letters.  Connect through eye contact. Be present with one another.  Do not take for granted to beauty of interpersonal human connection.  You are unique beings that grow through touch, sensation and much more than a machine will be able to give you.

You are loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine Beings Of light.

In Peace we Leave You


It is Time to Wake Up.

The time to wake up is now.

I recently received an email from my wonderful teacher and spiritual mother Susan Zummo and this was what the text in the email said:

More changes and movement taking place.  Viewed as isolated events they have little meaning.   When you connect the dots, as look at these events as a series of symptoms, it’s easy to see that we are in the middle of a transition period.

Don’t be afraid and hide in the ignorance is bliss model.  Be prepared to help others if something happens where you live.  
It’s foolish to pretend these things could never happen near us, when we can see that they are happening every day with greater frequency.  

Preparation, faith and service to others eliminate fear and doubt.


At first I sat with this, and then decided to take this deeper into meditation.  I know that I personally have been going through this world only giving partial attention to the events moving around me.  I move through my spiritual paradigm and do the practice, do the healing, do the work, read books and do my writing.  I go to work, teach my yoga, and work with my clients.  All along there is a vast world that is moving around me.  There are forces that are at work that do not have our best interest in mind.  There are movements of love and light, but there are also those that walk in the shadows. Recently a good friend of mine turned me on to Alex Jones and a show called Infowars.  I’ve tuned into this show in the past.  I’ve also tuned into David Icke, and David Wilcock and have in the past appreciated the information they give regarding the hidden world around us.  I think too often in the New Age paradigm we get too caught up in our processes and our own illusions to want to see the world around us.  The Old Age paradigms are also not immune to this.  We get caught up in celebrating the seasons and the earth, but do not see (or care to see) what is happening in this world.  I think that often we use our spirituality to escape reality, and we need to shift that–We need to bring our spirituality into our reality.  I am not one for conspiracy theories, but there are things that are happening in this reality that we can no longer ignore.

Of course each of the people I mentioned above go deep into their own paradigms.  Everyone has an agenda, but we have to start tuning in.  Ignorance is NOT bliss.  We might not want to turn on our televisions, listen to the news, or tune into this third dimensional space, but you’re not turning on the TV does not stop the world from moving.  If you do not know about the disaster how will you activate and send your prayers and healing?   If you are not aware of the laws and governmental changes that could impact you negatively how can you effectively use your protection and grounding work?  I feel we have a duty as psychic, channels, intuitives  witches, and people living this beautiful experience to be aware of how this world is moving, and our place in it.  Politics, government, conspiracy, etc can be heavy to sift through.  Using discernment is a lost art that is becoming new again.  Are you getting caught in the illusion of the distractions around you?  How much time do we spend on Facebook?  How often to we each foods that damage us?

I know I’m ranting a bit, but I feel that it is time for us to wake up.  One of the big things I saw coming into this year was a sense of complacency.  People felt things were getting easy at the onset of the year, and in some ways this was true.  What I saw in the New Year’s eve psychic fair was that we were being given a reprieve.  2012 for many was difficult.  It was not an easy year, and for many it was filled with much upheaval.  January hit, and things seemed lighter.  I warned many of my clients, students and friends to not get caught in the trap of complacency.  Stay with your spiritual practices, reconnect and recommit to them, evolve your connection to spirit, but stay the course.  We can easily get caught in the glamour of our own experience.  As February opened, so did the chaos that was behind the curtain.  Just like ignoring the news does not make it go away, ignoring our shadows do not make them go away.

This part of Susan’s email really struck a chord:

“More changes and movement taking place.  Viewed as isolated events they have little meaning.   When you connect the dots, as look at these events as a series of symptoms, it’s easy to see that we are in the middle of a transition period.”

I’ve been contemplating where my path is moving, and what I am being called to do.  As I tune into these various news and information sources I am hearing each of them holding pieces to a bigger picture.  I am going to start bringing together, and bringing forward information.  I am going to be starting a new blog soon for this purpose.  I am going to comb through different sources, pull videos, review documentaries, and offer my own intuitive connection to the information.  One of the thing I often see is a lot of information about how the government is doing x,y,z and how we are screwed… or, this is a holographic space and xyz… The aliens are coming and xyz, Nutrition is killing us and xyz…

We get glimpses of truth, but the distractions grab us and we get lost in our own illusions.  This is how it is designed.  I cannot count how many times this year I have heard “I feel like something big is going to happen soon”… Just like the birds know before the storm, we too have an intuition that is activating and sounding the alarm.

I’ve started making personal changes to my nutrition, my spiritual practice and how I am gathering information.  I’ll be posting on this in the near future.  It is time for us to open our eyes to this reality, how else are we to create the changes we want?

I am also going to be setting up an email address for submissions, guest posts, and am going to be dedicating a night/couple nights a week to a radio show to bring the discussion to a live and archived format.  I think it is the activist in me awakening again.  It is frustrating seeing so many people not in realization of their birth right…. to be Gods, Goddesses, to stand in their power.

I’ve been contemplating this over the past few days and have been researching directions and what I want to do with this.  I’ll still be posting here and to my page.

The new website/blog is going to focus on:

  • new science/consciousness
  • spiritual nutrition/engaging the physical body
  • local/national/global/cosmic news and updates on items of interest
  • local/national/global/cosmic weather events
  • research/experimentation/and integration of practical spirituality
  • conspiracy discussions
  • actions to help you open to reality and to create changes
  • bringing forward information from various websites that I feel helpful to readers and listeners.
  • local/national/global/cosmic politics
  • channeled information
  • prophetic information and predictions from different sources
  • book and documentary reviews

I am going to cover topics that will not be popular, and I am not going to be pushing a viewpoint.  I hope that by presenting information in a unified way that we can start getting a look at the big picture.  It is also my hope that we can engage in discussion that will help us to peel back the layers of this onion.  We might shed a few tears in the process, but the soup tastes better for it.

I’ve also been receiving some interesting channeled downloads and dreams that I will be offering on this new site.  I am also going to be teaching developmental on-line workshops to help connect those interested to their intuition, nutrition, and body mechanics.

I am also going to be inviting psychics, channels, mediums, witches, healers, yogis, and spiritual practitioners to offer opinions, thoughts and perspectives, debate, and to guest post.

I did not expect to write so much, but spirit compelled me to do so.  It is time to connect the dots, to live in our purpose and stand in our power.

If you want to help with this project feel free to email me:

Thank you for taking the time to listen, to share and to be on this journey with me.


You are Loved.  You are Beautiful. You are Divine.


Michael A. Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT


Birthing the New Era & Messages for 2013

We all survived 2012.   The new era is upon us.   There are many that are happy that 2012 did not bring with it certain doom, but for many 2012 did bring much upheaval.  Some are still sorting through the pieces.  Some are finally taking a breath and giving thanks that it is over.



 The end is only just the beginning.

EarthMother-birth-Goddess-fochtman-KubbyI really hate to be that guy that comes in and bursts the bubble, but we need to be real about what this new age is bringing us.   We are not just going to hop into a beautiful new experience of love and light.  There will be light, but there is also darkness.  We are still in the womb.  The birthing process is beginning.   Rarely do children just pop out of the womb.  The birthing process is difficult.  It can take a long time.  There is blood.  Screaming.  Breathing.  Tearing.  Stress… and it all leads up to the most beautiful of all creations.

We should look at 2012 as our labor phase.  The weather, the earth, the elements are all still cleansing us. I think we have forgotten who is really in charge and mother Gaia is reminding us that it is by her will that we are allowed to be present in the delivery room.  I agree that we will meet lots of love in the process, but we have to also remember that we have to stay strong in our processes.

We just recently had our New Years eve psychic fair at the shop.  The readings at this psychic fair give me a gauge for what the year will hold for many of us.  January and February are going to be months of reprieve from the chaotic energy of 2012.  Things are going to feel “easy”.  It will be easier to move energy, things will feel lighter, and we may feel this sense of spiritual euphoria.  The lesson here is:  DO NOT BECOME COMPLACENT.  We are being given a chance to rest, to get our bearings, and to decided what we truly want from this experience.   What are you birthing in this coming year?   What are you hoping to create?  Do not abandon your spiritual processes, do not become lazy with your yoga, meditation, studying, connecting and prayer work.   This is the trap when things feel overly aligned.   Then when the energy picks up again in March/April you’ll be behind the ball instead of in the flow.

Up your protection.  Start a daily protection ritual.  This can be simply adding prayer work to your day, smudging, incensing, or whatever you feel amplifies your auric space.

This is the year of Embodied Spirituality.  The 4th and 5th dimensional energies are merging with the 3rd dimensional space (the dense space we call home).  Manifesting will happen faster than ever, but we must do it from the lower soul.  Trying to jump up and out of the body will make you feel disconnected.   A lot of new age spirituality has been about getting us “out of the body”.  Do not forget that no matter how high you soar in the astral realms, the physical body is where life is lived from.  All that you see in those realms can be beautiful, but what is it serving you here.  What are you creating.  Do not use ascension to escape.  Ascend into your experience by dropping down into your wild animal soul.  Connect to your body, your sex, your primal nature.  Our bodies hold the memories of all that we are, have been and will become.  Do not forget her in the process of trying to align.  When we forget to include the lower self we are only getting a portion of the information that we need in order to use discernment.  We will only be manifesting through the egoic space and not through the space of full alignment.

We are preparing for the new age.  We are driving forward in our experience, and creating waves of love, light, darkness, and connection.  Where are you being called?   What do you need in this time of transition?

Be safe, keep working, and do not forget….

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine!


Michael A Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT